发布时间:2018-03-28 19:39
本文选题:於梨华 切入点:留学生小说 出处:《扬州大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:美籍华人於梨华结合自身丰富的生活阅历,创作了一系列文学作品,其中最典型、最能代表其创作风格的是留学生小说,因此她被学术界称为台湾留学生文学的鼻祖。在中国二十世纪留学生文学发展的过程中,於梨华起着承上启下的作用。她的小说摆脱了二十世纪初期留学生文学纯粹描写“弱国子民”自卑心态的局限,开创性地描写了海外留学生在异国他乡遭遇的文化困境,冷静客观地讲述了“失根的一代”海外华人在异域漂泊奋斗的经历,表现了他们在中西方文化交流碰撞下苦闷、迷茫的心态。 本文主要从四个方面对於梨华的留学生小说创作进行研究: 第一部分梳理了二十世纪中国留学生文学的发展历程,分析了不同时期留学生文学诞生的背景,强调了三次重大留学浪潮的推动作用。在分析台湾留学生文学发展的基础上,挖掘於梨华本人在独特的时代历史条件下,经历的双重放逐的人生遭遇。“边缘人”的特殊体验,造就了她留学生小说创作的心理和文化背景。 第二部分论述了於梨华留学生小说中的文化尴尬境遇。围绕於梨华小说中“根”的意识,论析其笔下留学生由“失根”到“寻根”的心理递变过程及其成因,并探究“寻根”过程中面临中西文化冲突时,於梨华笔下自我觉醒的华人女性主体意识的发展脉络。 第三部分论述了於梨华留学生小说的艺术追求,分析其创作在艺术表现上的独特探索。既继承了中国传统文学客观真实地再现生活的手法,浓郁的自传色彩增强了小说的真情实感;又大量借鉴了西方现代派文学的表达技巧,尤其是对意识流手法的运用。同时,揭示了於梨华留学生小说在语言表达上的独特魅力。 第四部分对於梨华留学生小说创作进行整体评价,分析她留学生小说创作的独特之处:对“失根的一代”海外留学生群像的塑造;批判了中国传统文化中的“面子”意识、西方社会一味强调个人隐私自由导致的人情冷漠、中西社会中共有的父权制对女性的压迫等,在批判的基础上反思了两种文化的弊端。同时对於梨华留学生小说在情节设置、主题表现等方面存在的不足进行了分析。在全面分析的基础上对其创作进行价值定位,肯定了她作为留学生文学创作领头雁的特殊地位。
[Abstract]:In combination with their rich life experience, Chinese Americans have created a series of literary works, the most typical of which are the novels of foreign students, which are the most representative of their writing style. Therefore, she was called by the academic circles as the ancestor of the literature of Taiwanese students. In the course of the development of the literature of overseas students in the 20th century in China, Yu Lihua plays an important role in connecting the above with the following. Her novels break away from the limitation of the pure depiction of the inferiority of the "weak people" in the literature of foreign students in the early 20th century, and groundlessly describe the cultural difficulties encountered by overseas students in foreign countries. Calmly and objectively, this paper describes the "rootless generation" of overseas Chinese struggling in a foreign land, showing their feelings of distress and confusion under the collision of Chinese and Western cultural exchanges. This paper mainly studies the novel creation of Li Hua's foreign students from four aspects:. The first part combs the development course of the Chinese foreign student literature in the 20th century, analyzes the background of the birth of the foreign student literature in different periods, and emphasizes the promotion function of the three major waves of studying abroad. Under the unique historical conditions of the times, Yu Lihua herself experienced the double exile of life and the special experience of "marginal people", which created her psychological and cultural background in the creation of foreign students' novels. The second part discusses the awkward cultural circumstances in Yu's novels, and analyzes the psychological process and causes of the students' psychological change from "losing roots" to "seeking roots" around the consciousness of "root" in Li Hua's novels. In the process of seeking roots, the author explores the development of Chinese women's subjective consciousness in the process of cultural conflict between China and the West. The third part discusses the artistic pursuit of Yu Lihua's foreign students' novels, and analyzes their unique exploration in artistic expression, which not only inherits the traditional Chinese literature, but also reproduces the way of life objectively and realistically. The rich autobiographical color enhances the true feelings of the novel, and draws lessons from the expression skills of the western modernist literature, especially the use of the stream of consciousness technique. At the same time, it reveals the unique charm of Yu Li Hua's novels in language expression. The fourth part evaluates the novels of Li Hua students as a whole, analyzes the unique aspects of her novels creation: the shaping of the "rootless generation" of overseas students, criticizes the sense of "face" in Chinese traditional culture. On the basis of criticism, the western society emphasizes the human indifference caused by the freedom of individual privacy and the oppression of women by the patriarchal system which is common in Chinese and Western societies. At the same time, on the basis of criticism, it reflects on the drawbacks of the two cultures. At the same time, it sets the plot of Li Hua's foreign students' novels. On the basis of comprehensive analysis, the author orientates the value of her creation and affirms her special position as the leading leader in the literary creation of foreign students.
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