本文选题:新历史主义 切入点:翁布拉尔 出处:《上海外国语大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:西班牙当代小说家翁布拉尔以其质朴的语言,近似意识流的叙事,,极具洞察力的思想及传奇的自传色彩驰名于西班牙语文学界。他的小说以自传性见长,恰恰如此,在战后西语世界鳞次栉比的文学流派中,翁布拉尔独树一帜,另辟蹊径;他也是一个敢说敢写的作家,因此对其作品的评价亦是毁誉参半。本文以翁布拉尔的早期作品《仙女》为研究对象,并运用了新历史主义研究的文学批评方法,探索翁布拉尔展现的独裁统治下,西班牙各阶层的精神世界和小说对当时生活态度的批判,文中主人公对理想的不懈追求和对自由生活的向往,给早已逆来顺受、失去奋斗意志的人们指明了生活的方向。 本文分为三章,第一章是全文的理论基础,第二、三章是主体论述部分。第一章分为三个层次:介绍小说故事梗概,引入小说主要人物,帮助读者掌握小说内容,并为下文的人物心理讨论做铺垫;介绍作家翁布拉尔,其文学作品的“自传性”是写作的最大特点,为下文小说历史性的探讨提供了大前提;第三部分介绍了新历史主义批评的特点和本文要运用的批评方法——历史的文本性和文本的历史性。 第二章讨论历史的文本性,即西班牙历史在小说中的体现,以人们对独裁统治的态度为主要探讨对象:教会和贵族的拥护,中产阶级的漠然和工人及小商人的逆来顺受构成了当时西班牙社会的精神的主要表现。反映出政府与教会勾结,拉拢贵族限制言论自由,牢牢控制着人民的身心,中产阶级委曲求全,间接成了独裁制度的帮凶,而被压迫的人民则慢慢失去斗志,各阶层人民的精神世界异常空虚。 第三章讨论文本的历史性,即小说带给人民精神启示,影响了西班牙社会的精神重建。本文从主人公看似叛逆的言论着手,探索作家为读者建立的新精神世界。首先,蓝色小屋作为主人公儿时的乐园,并未随着岁月的流逝消失在主人公的记忆里,而成为了少年的精神家园,在那里能够不受世俗思想的制约畅想自己的未来;其次,波德莱尔的“要一直高尚”开启了主人公对文学的无限渴望,高尚不是华丽的外表,文绉绉的言语,而是对自己、对世界的客观认识;最后,主人公用仙女和水渠,比喻自由美好生活,与教会统治下的沉闷生活形成鲜明对比。
[Abstract]:The contemporary Spanish novelist Umblar is famous in Spanish literary circles for his simple language, similar narration of stream of consciousness, insightful thought and legendary autobiographical color.His novels are autobiographical, which is precisely the case. In the post-war literary schools of the Spanish language world, Umblar is unique and takes a different approach. He is also a bold and courageous writer, so his comments on his works are also mixed.This paper takes the early works of Wembral as the object of study, and applies the literary criticism method of the new historicism to explore the autocratic rule shown by Umblar.The spiritual world and novels in Spain criticize the attitude of life at that time. The protagonists' unremitting pursuit of ideals and yearning for a free life point out the direction of life for those who have already suffered and lost their will to struggle.This paper is divided into three chapters, the first chapter is the theoretical basis of the full text, the second chapter, the third chapter is the main part.The first chapter is divided into three levels: introduction of the story outline, introduction of the main characters of the novel, help readers master the content of the novel, and pave the way for the psychological discussion of the following characters;The autobiographical nature of his literary works is the greatest characteristic of his writing, which provides the premise for the historical discussion of the following novels;The third part introduces the characteristics of the New historicism criticism and the criticism method to be used in this paper-the text of history and the historicity of the text.The second chapter discusses the textual nature of history, that is, the embodiment of Spanish history in the novel, with people's attitude towards dictatorship as the main object of discussion: the support of the church and the aristocrats.The indifference of the middle class and the subjugation of workers and small businessmen constituted the main manifestation of the spirit of Spanish society at that time.This reflects the collusion between the government and the church, the connivance of the aristocrats to restrict the freedom of speech and the firm control of the body and mind of the people. The middle class has indirectly become an accomplice to the dictatorship, while the oppressed people have gradually lost their will to fight.The spiritual world of all classes of people is extremely empty.The third chapter discusses the history of the text, that is, the novel brings spiritual inspiration to the people and affects the spiritual reconstruction of Spanish society.Starting from the seemingly rebellious remarks of the protagonist, this paper explores the new spiritual world established by the writer for the reader.First, the blue cottage, as the hero's childhood paradise, did not disappear in the hero's memory with the passage of time, but became the spiritual home of the teenager, where he could imagine his future without the restriction of secular thoughts.Baudelaire's "always noble" opens the hero's boundless desire for literature. Nobility is not an ornate appearance, but an objective view of himself, of the world. Finally, the hero uses fairies and canals.The metaphor for a better life of freedom contrasts sharply with the dreary life under church rule.
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