本文选题:康拉德 + 《间谍》 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:约瑟夫·康拉德被认为是二十世纪最富影响力的作家之一。身处世纪之交,他目睹了社会的巨大变化和各种思想的纷纷涌现。作为一个具有高度敏感性的作家,康拉德敏锐地抓住了这些现象并把对这些现象进行的思考载入到他的作品之中。《间谍》就是这样一部作品,它以1894年发生在格林威治公园的一起真实爆炸案为背景,描绘了世纪之交人们在伦敦荒诞的社会生活,以一种诙谐的笔调真实地反应了人的生存状态,与现代存在主义哲学家探索人的生存问题的方式如出一辙。 本文试图运用萨特的存在主义理论,探讨康拉德对社会大变革时期人类精神荒原的深刻洞见以及对人类生存状况的深切关注。本文主要从世界的荒诞、人的自由选择以及与他人的关系几个方面来探讨作品的现实意义。第一章分析作品中世界的荒诞性。在萨特看来,人们被偶然地抛弃在荒诞的世界里,一切都处于喧嚣和混沌的状态。在《间谍》这部小说中,伦敦这个高度发展的文明城市被描绘成一个充斥着无边黑暗的海洋,昏暗而让人窒息。小说中混沌的外部环境和人们非理性行为的描绘真实地反应了十九世纪末二十世纪初人们荒诞的生存状态。第二章主要探讨人们在荒诞的环境中做出的自由选择。在萨特看来,外部世界或者说客观世界是客观存在的,人们无法改变,但是人们可以通过自由选择来成就他们自己。生活在荒诞的世界里,温尼和维尔洛克都行使了自身的自由选择权,作出了自己的人生选择。但由于他们忽略了自由伴随的相应责任,最终都未能实现自我超越。第三章主要是探讨小说中个人与他人的关系。康拉德描绘了各种复杂的人际关系,其中包括男女之间,主仆之间的各种关系,最终揭示出在这部小说中,每一个人在他人的生活中都充当着一个间谍的角色,善良的本性变得残暴,和谐的人际变成敌对的利益关系,在一定程度上应证了萨特的“他人即地狱”的观点。 运用存在主义理论探析《间谍》,有助于读者对这部作品有更全面的了解和评价,同时将为我们提供一个新的视角来解读康拉德在《间谍》中所阐释的对人类生存状况的深刻理解及其对人类存在意义的终极探求。和其他的存在主义哲学家一样,康拉德对于社会价值观的缺失表现了无限的担忧,他渴望能够在喧嚣中重建秩序。
[Abstract]:Joseph Conrad is considered one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century.At the turn of the century, he witnessed great changes in society and the emergence of various ideas.As a highly sensitive writer, Conrad acutely grasped these phenomena and incorporated his reflections on them into his work. Espionage is one such work.Against the backdrop of a real explosion in Greenwich Park in 1894, it depicts the absurd social life of people in London at the turn of the century and reflects the state of human existence in a humorous style.It is the same way that modern existentialist philosophers explore the problem of human existence.This paper attempts to use Sartre's existentialism theory to probe into Conrad's profound insight into the human spirit wasteland during the great social transformation and his deep concern for the living conditions of human beings.This paper mainly discusses the realistic significance of the works from the absurdity of the world, the free choice of man and the relationship with others.The first chapter analyzes the absurdity of the world in the works.In Sartre's view, people are accidentally abandoned in the absurd world, everything is in a state of noise and chaos.In the novel, London, a highly developed civilized city, is portrayed as a sea of endless darkness, dark and suffocating.The chaotic external environment and the description of people's irrational behavior in the novel truly reflect the absurd living state of people at the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century.The second chapter mainly discusses the free choice that people make in the absurd environment.In Sartre's view, the external world or objective world is objective, people can not change, but people can make themselves through free choice.Living in an absurd world, Winnie and Verloch both exercised their own free choice and made their own life choices.But because they ignored the corresponding responsibility of freedom, they failed to achieve self-transcendence.The third chapter mainly discusses the relationship between individual and others in the novel.Conrad depicts complex relationships, including between men and women, between masters and servants, and ultimately reveals that in this novel, everyone acts as a spy in the lives of others.The good nature becomes brutal, the harmonious interpersonal becomes the hostile interest relation, in a way should prove Sartre's view that "the other is the hell".The application of existentialism to the analysis of "Spy" will help readers to have a more comprehensive understanding and evaluation of this work.At the same time, it will provide us with a new perspective to interpret Conrad's profound understanding of human existence and its significance to human existence in Spy.Like other existentialist philosophers, Conrad expressed boundless concern about the absence of social values, eager to re-establish order amid the uproar.
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