本文选题:太宰治文学 + 主题思想 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:太宰治是日本近现代文学史上颇具特色的作家,他在短短十五年的创作生涯中,留下众多脍炙人口的作品,其作品《斜阳》发表后,甚至还引出“斜阳族”这一流行语,其文学有“昭和文学不灭金字塔”之美誉。太宰治作为“无赖派”文学的杰出代表,在深刻描写二战后陷入空虚、绝望境地年轻人精神世界的同时,其文学中的抵抗精神和不妥协精神至今仍有巨大的影响力,广受读者欢迎。太宰治是真实、信任、自由的追求者,纵观其整个文学创作,他始终在描写、挖掘、批判并抗拒现实社会的险恶、人心的虚伪和人性的伪善,或者可以说,这也是太宰治一生追求的文学轨迹。 本论文由以下六部分构成。 第一章,主要由研究目的和意义、文献综述、研究方法、创新点及今后的课题构成。 第二章,太宰治文学中的叛逆思想。太宰治的成长经历,对作为其文学作品主题之一的叛逆思想有深刻的影响。虽然太宰治本人出身于大地主家庭,但当时广泛传播的马克思主义思想以及时代背景下的诸多因素,促使其叛逆思想形成,叛逆思想也成为其文学作品的主题思想之一。可以说,这种叛逆是对他大地主家庭的叛逆,是对当时社会的叛逆,是对古板僵化压抑环境的叛逆。同时,他叛逆的文学作品中充满了对自由、真实、善良的追求。 第三章,太宰治文学中的“罪”意识。对同伴的背叛和家庭的背叛等成长体验,使太宰治背负强烈的“罪”意识,他不断在其文学创作中表达这种“罪”的意识,成为其文学作品主题思想之一。太宰治文学中所表现出的“罪”意识,虽然是出于背叛家庭、同伴的罪恶感,但从某种意义上来说,是因为他一直坚持的崇高理想,与自己平时的所作所为发生矛盾,即自己的行为与自己所坚持的理想相背离,所以才产生“罪”意识。所以,太宰治文学中的“罪”意识也是他追求崇高理想的一种表现。 第四章,太宰治文学中的再生精神。太宰治结婚后,婚姻生活较为稳定。一时稳定下来的太宰治,开始陷入新的思考,他本身所具有的忧患意识等诸多因素对其文学中所表现出的再生精神的形成有至关重要的作用。再生精神意味着,身陷囹圄看不到未来和希望的民众从战争中得以再生,也意味着太宰治文学从前期的叛逆、颓废中得以再生。因为人与人之间还有信任、真诚和友爱,所以世界能够从战争中再生,因此,太宰治文学中的再生精神直接体现出对人与人之间的信任、真实和爱的坚信。一言以蔽之,太宰治是为信任、自由、真实和爱而再生。 第五章,太宰治文学中的永不妥协的精神。纵观太宰治文学,无论是女性人物的道德反抗,还是男性人物的毁灭意识,其本质都是对现状的不妥协。这种不妥协,包含着对旧道德的不满,对女性的束缚的不满,对现实社会丑恶的不满。即便以自己的生命来抗争,也永不对旧道德、旧思想妥协,也就成为太宰治文学的主题思想之一。 结语部分是对本论文的总结,并提出今后研究的课题和方向。 总之,太宰治文学作品中,,无论是前期的颓废叛逆,还是中期的再生精神、后期的毁灭意识与永不妥协的思想,其背后始终都贯穿着一条主线——追求人与人之间的爱、信任以及真实、自由。前期和后期文学作品是曲线式间接表达对真实和自由的追求,而中期文学作品是直线式直接表达对真实、信任和自由的追求,歌颂人类间的信任和爱。无论间接批判抑或直接追求,目标始终如一,而方法有所不同,太宰治文学自始至终都在坚守自己的阵地,表达对真实、自由的热望与追求。
[Abstract]:Taizhang is a very characteristic writer in Japan ' s modern literary history . He left a lot of popular works in his writing career for fifteen years . The literature has a great influence on the spirit and spirit of the young people after World War II . It is a real , trusted and free pursuit . He has always described , excavated , criticized and resists the evil of the real society , the hypocrisy of the people and the hypocrisy of human nature .
This thesis consists of the following six parts :
Chapter one is mainly composed of research purpose and significance , literature review , research methods , innovation points and future topics .
In the second chapter , the thought of treason in the literature of Taizhang is deeply influenced by the experience of the growth of Taizzhi ' s rule . Although it is the main idea of his literary works , this kind of treason is one of the theme thoughts of his literary works . It is a rebellion against his family , and it is a rebellion against the rigid and repressive environment of the old plate . At the same time , his rebellious literary works are filled with the pursuit of freedom , truth and kind .
In the third chapter , the consciousness of " sin " in the literature of Taizai is the consciousness of " sin " in his literary creation , which is one of the theme thoughts of his literary works .
In the fourth chapter , the spirit of regeneration in the literature of Taizhang is that the marriage life is more stable after the marriage . The regeneration spirit means that the people who can ' t see the future and hope can be regenerated from the war , and that the world can regenerate from the war . Therefore , the spirit of regeneration in the literature of Taipinzhi reflects the trust , truth and love between the people and the human beings .
In chapter 5 , the spirit of never compromise in the literature of Taizai is to control the literature , whether the female character ' s moral resistance , or the male character ' s destruction consciousness , its essence is not compromise to the present situation . This kind of non - compromise , contains the dissatisfaction of the old morality , the dissatisfaction with the female ' s restraint , and the evil of the real society . Even with his own life , it will never compromise the old morality and the old thought , and become one of the theme thoughts of the ruling literature .
The conclusion part is the summary of this paper and puts forward the subject and direction of future research .
In a word , in the literary works of Taizai zhi , whether in the early stage or in the medium - term regeneration spirit , the later destruction consciousness and the never - compromise thought , the latter always runs through a main line _ the pursuit of the real , trust and freedom . The early and later literary works are the pursuit of truth , trust and freedom . The objective is always consistent and the method is different , whether indirect criticism or direct pursuit , and the pursuit of real and free .
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