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发布时间:2018-04-19 03:09

  本文选题:《喧哗与骚动》 + 威廉·福克纳 ; 参考:《重庆师范大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:作为美国二十世纪最伟大的作家之一,威廉·福克纳(1897-1962)被公认为美国现代最具贡献和最富创造力的小说家。他的作品大多反映了美国南方的社会和生活,忠实地记录了美国内战和第一次世界大战之后美国南方的社会动荡和人们的精神危机。《喧哗与骚动》就是其中最具代表性的一部小说。 《喧哗与骚动》聚焦美国南方一个大户人家—康普生家族,共分四个部分分别由不同的人物在不同的时间进行讲述,他们的所见所闻展现了康普生家族从兴盛走向衰落的历史过程。这部小说发表后因其独特的叙事角度引起了学者们的关注,几乎所有的理论都曾用来对这部小说进行过研究。但是鲜有学者从新历史主义的角度去研究这部小说。因此,在前人以往研究的基础上,本文尝试在新历史主义理论的指导下,通过文本细读的方法,重新阐释福克纳在《喧哗与骚动》中的新历史主义意识。从一个新的视角去更加深刻地理解这部作品以及探索文本与历史二者的关系。 首先,本文通过分析福克纳在《喧哗与骚动》中重构南方的历史意识,发现了其与新历史主义文学观的契合之处,即作为文本的这本小说参与了美国历史构建的过程。接下来,在研究这一新历史主义意识的表现形式的基础上,进一步证明了福克纳消解单数大写的历史转向复数小写的历史的倾向。然后,通过深入研究福克纳在重构南方历史时运用的叙述策略,再一次验证了福克纳践行新历史主义,关注边缘历史叙述及边缘人物命运的事实。最后,文章总结性地指出,《喧哗与骚动》充分表现了福克纳重构南方历史的新历史主义意识。然而,这一历史版本并不代表他叙述的权威性。福克纳意在提供另一种书写历史的方式,以此来消解对官方叙述的盲目信任和还原一段更加真实的美国南方历史。
[Abstract]:As one of the greatest American writers in the twentieth century, William Faulkner was recognized as the most creative novelist in modern America.Most of his works reflect the society and life of the southern United States.It faithfully records the social unrest and spiritual crisis in the American South after the Civil War and World War I. the Sound and the Fury is one of the most representative novels."the Sound and the Fury" focuses on the Campleson family, a large family in the southern United States. It is divided into four parts, which are told by different characters at different times.What they saw and heard revealed the historical process of the Compleson family from prosperity to decline.Almost all theories have been used to study the novel since it was published because of its unique narrative angle.But few scholars study the novel from the perspective of new historicism.Therefore, on the basis of previous studies, this paper attempts to reinterpret Faulkner's consciousness of New historicism in the Sound and the Fury under the guidance of New historicism theory and through the method of close reading of the text.A new perspective to better understand the work and explore the relationship between text and history.First of all, by analyzing Faulkner's reconstruction of southern historical consciousness in the Sound and the Fury, the author finds out that Faulkner is in agreement with the New historicist literary view, that is, the novel as a text has participated in the process of American historical construction.Then, on the basis of studying the manifestation of the new historicism, Faulkner's tendency of dissolving singular uppercase history to plural lowercase history is further proved.Then, through in-depth study of Faulkner's narrative strategy in reconstructing southern history, it verifies Faulkner's practice of neo-historicism and pays close attention to the facts of marginal historical narration and the fate of marginal characters.Finally, the paper concludes that the Sound and the Fury fully demonstrates Faulkner's new historicist consciousness of reconstructing southern history.However, this historical version does not represent the authority of his narrative.Faulkner was intended to provide another way of writing history to dispel the blind trust in official narratives and restore a more true history of the southern United States.


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