发布时间:2018-04-19 11:09
本文选题:笛福 + 鲁滨逊漂流记 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:《鲁滨逊漂流记》是丹尼尔·笛福(1630-1731)创作的第一部小说,英美文学界的许多学者认为它是英国的第一部小说,无论从思想上还是艺术上来评价,这部小说都是笛福的代表作。小说的主人公鲁滨逊也因此成为世界文学史上的一个著名文学形象。 本文首先简要回顾了在不同时期国内外学者对《鲁滨逊漂流记》的研究与评论。自该小说于1719年出版以来,关于它的评论就频现于报端,即使是在二百多年后的今天,仍然受到评论界的重视。伊恩·瓦特在《小说的兴起》中指出,笛福比其他所有的作家都更能表现出个人主义的意识倾向。《鲁滨逊漂流记》具备完全的个人主义要素,为个人主义与小说兴起之间相互联系提供了各种形式的实例。在瓦特看来,读者需要借助经济个人主义来解析小说主人公的人物性格;而经济专门化以及与之相关的意识形态,有助于说明鲁滨逊执着于海外冒险的原因。但对鲁滨逊精神生活的理解则需要借助清教个人主义。亨特(Hunter, J.Paul)在《勉强的朝圣者》中认为,作为新文类的小说与清教思想有着密切的联系。清教传统为《鲁滨逊漂流记》提供了叙述框架。亨特将《鲁滨逊漂流记》置于其出版的时代和意思背景加以解读,详细阐述了这部小说与清教的“指南传统”(the Guide Tradition)和“天意传统”(the Providence Tradition)的关联。 本文试以德国社会学家马克斯·韦伯在《新教伦理与资本主义精神》中提出的“新教伦理”为理论视角,并参照前人研究成果,结合该小说问世的时代背景,综合运用社会历史与文本细读的方法,分析笛福作品中鲁滨逊这一人物形象所表现出的新教工作伦理,以期获得对该小说的新的理解。 在《鲁滨逊漂流记》的主体部分,主人公的世俗经济活动以及宗教思考交替展开。如果只是从“经济”的或“宗教”的视角分析该小说,难免会造成人物形象的分裂之感。而如果从韦伯提出的社会学观点出发重新解读该小说,则可以解决这一问题。在《新教伦理与资本主义精神》中,韦伯论证了新教伦理与现代资本主义的兴起有着“选择性亲和”的关联。他认为,不同于天主教的信条,新教伦理观中的“天职”观念输灌给劳动者勤劳工作的责任感,他们的“工作伦理”以及敬业精神取代了生产力落后的传统劳动观念,促进了现代资本主义的发展。这种以勤劳工作、积累财富为“天职”的工作伦理有助于新兴资产阶级以更合理和系统的方式追求个人正当的经济利益。 小说的主人公鲁滨逊出生于富裕的英国中间阶级家庭。年轻的鲁滨逊对财富有着强烈的追求,他流落孤岛前的几次海外历险都是其追逐物质利益的体现;虽然不顾一切的冒险给他带来了一定的经济收益,但也好几次使其险些丧命海外。他认为这是由于自己的“原罪”所致。登岛后的鲁滨逊通过阅读《圣经》和反思生活的种种经历,认为是上帝的意志使其得以在海难中幸存,因而自己是上帝的“拣选者”。他认为自己得到了上帝的恩典,逐渐皈依了基督,成为了一名新教徒。他不仅希望获得肉体的拯救,更希冀得到更重要的精神上的救赎。他在岛上持续不断的辛勤劳动,不仅解决了衣食住行等问题,而且创造、积累了许多的物质财富;他认为这些是上帝对他的救恩,证明了他是上帝的“选民”。小说对鲁滨逊的工作劳动描写的细致入微,给人以身临其境之感:更重要的是工作劳动被凸显出来,表明了小说对劳动的价值和尊严的充分肯定与赞扬。新教徒的世俗工作劳动因而具有了宗教伦理的意义,进而肯定了新教徒的经济追求在宗教伦理意义上的合理性,解决了人们宗教信仰与世俗物质追求的矛盾。另一方面,鲁滨逊在岛上的各种工作劳动也展现了鲁滨逊作为新教徒资本家的精神风貌:他克勤克俭,以勤劳为荣、不贪图安逸享乐,处处用新教徒的理性和严谨来规范自己的生活,把创造和积累财富当作自己的“天职”。 同时,新教工作伦理对鲁滨逊的现代资本家和英国殖民者的个人身份的形成也有着重要的影响。按照韦伯对“现代资本主义”的描述,现代资本主义更多地是对人们非理性逐利冲动的一种抑制或缓解,而不是对利润的贪得无厌。小说主人公在成为清教徒后,在生活和劳动上表现出了节制和理性,很少再有以前的冒险冲动,而把几乎全部的精力理性地用于物质财富的创造,以劳动所获确证自己的蒙恩状态。然而,一旦他确信得到上帝“拣选”后,便产生了很强的优越感,为他在海岛上的殖民活动提供了宗教伦理上的依据与合法性。这一点可以从他自封为海岛的主人和对待土著人的态度中得到印证。 最后,本文认为,《鲁滨逊漂流记》反映了在宗教改革后,新的宗教伦理一新教伦理对以鲁滨逊为代表的中下阶层人们的影响。鲁滨逊这一著名人物形象,反映了早期英国资本家的勤劳、节制、理性和殖民者的偏见与掠夺本性。
[Abstract]:Robinson Crusoe is the first novel created by Daniel Defoe ( 1630 - 1731 ) . Many scholars in the British and American literary world think it is the first novel in Britain , which is the masterpiece of Defoe . The hero of the novel is also a famous literary figure in the history of the world literature .
This paper first briefly reviews the studies and comments of scholars at home and abroad on Robinson Crusoe . Since the novel was published in 1719 , the commentary on it has been paid much attention .
The economic specialization and the ideology associated with it help to explain why Robinson is committed to overseas adventures . But the understanding of Robinson ' s spiritual life needs to be closely related to the idea of Puritanism .
This paper tries to analyze the new teaching ethics of Robinson ' s image in Defoe ' s works by combining the historical background of the novel and analyzing the historical background of the novel , and analyses the new teaching ethics of Robinson in Defoe ' s works with a view to gaining a new understanding of the novel .
In the main part of Robinson Crusoe , the hero ' s secular economic activity and religious thinking are alternately unfolded . If it is only from the perspective of " economy " or " religion " , it inevitably leads to a sense of " selective affinity " .
The hero Robinson of the novel is born in the rich English middle class family . Young Robinson has a strong pursuit of wealth , and many of his overseas adventures before landing are the reflection of their pursuit of material interests ;
He thought it was God ' s will to survive in the sea , and that he was God ' s " picker " . He thought he had received God ' s grace and converted to Christ and became a protestant . He wanted not only to gain the salvation of the flesh , but also to get more important spiritual salvation . He had not only solved the problems of food and food , but also created and accumulated a lot of material wealth ;
He believed that these were God ' s salvation to him , and proved that he was the " voters " of God . The novel has made a sense of religious ethics for the work of Robinson . More importantly , the work of the New Protestants has the meaning of religious ethics , thus affirming the spiritual beauty of the novel ' s pursuit of religious ethics . On the other hand , Robinson ' s work on the island also shows Robinson ' s spiritual outlook as a Protestant capitalist . On the other hand , Robinson ' s work on the island also shows Robinson ' s spiritual outlook as a Protestant capitalist . On the other hand , Robinson ' s work on the island also shows Robinson ' s spiritual outlook as a Protestant capitalist . On the other hand , Robinson ' s work on the island has also demonstrated the rational and rigorous standards of the Protestants to regulate their lives , and regard the creation and accumulation of wealth as their own " talents " .
At the same time , the ethics of Protestant work has an important influence on the formation of modern capitalist and British colonial personal identity . According to Weber ' s description of " modern capitalism " , modern capitalism is a kind of restraint or relief to people ' s irrational progressive impulse , rather than the greed of profits .
In the end , the author argues that Robinson Crusoe reflects the influence of the new religious ethics upon the middle - class people represented by Robinson .
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