发布时间:2018-04-21 08:01
本文选题:平安时代 + 清少纳言 ; 参考:《山东大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:平安时代是日本女性文学大发展的时期,这一时期的女性文学在日本文学史上起着举足轻重的作用。摄关政治采取的外戚政策、贵族社会对女子才艺教育的重视,以及假名文字的出现,是女性作家的得以大量涌现的社会背景。她们多以后宫生活为背景,进行了大量的文学创作。清少纳言就是其中优秀的女性作家,她与紫式部并称平安时代的两大才女。 清少纳言基于良好的家庭成长与教育环境,形成了乐观、开朗的性格,造就了很高的和、汉文学素养。这为她之后走上女官的道路、以及《枕草子》的创作奠定了良好的基础。清少纳言作为女官的仕途可以说是如鱼得水,其才能得到了中宫定子的赏识。 《枕草子》是日本文学史上第一部随笔,是研究清少纳言非常有价值的资料。其中以宫廷生活为背景,以作者日常生活的见闻与随想为主要内容。该作品不仅反映了清少纳言女官生活的情况,字里行间还显示出其高超的和汉文学修养以及积极乐观的生活态度。 对于这样一位才华横溢的女性作家,以紫式部为代表的同时代女官的评价却并不高。不仅如此,在《古事谈》、《闲田草子》等后世的作品中,也多见负面评价。尽管如此,清少纳言能够不随波逐流、保有自己的个性这一点,确是十分难能可贵的。
[Abstract]:Ping An age is a period of great development of Japanese women ' s literature . The female literature in this period plays an important role in Japanese literature history .
Based on a good family growth and education environment , it has formed an optimistic and cheerful personality , which has created a good foundation for her to go to the women ' s official ' s road , and to create a good foundation for her creation .
The first essay in the history of Japanese literature is the first essay in the history of Japanese literature . It is a very valuable material for studying the life of the court . The works not only reflect the situation of the life of the female officials in the Qing Dynasty , but also show their high and Chinese literature cultivation and positive and positive attitude towards life .
For such a talented female writer , the evaluation of female officers in the same period , which is represented by the Ministry of the Purple , is not high . It is not only the case , but also in the works of the later generations , such as the Confucius and the leisure Tian Cao Zi , and so on . However , it is very difficult to understand that it is very difficult to keep his own personality on a stream - by - stream basis .
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