发布时间:2018-04-24 05:41
本文选题:后现代主义 + 历史编纂元小说 ; 参考:《南开大学》2012年博士论文
【摘要】:20世纪后半叶,后现代主义思潮席卷整个思想文化领域。以碎片化、多元化和解定论化为主要特征的后现代主义思潮带动了许多人文学科开始重新思考自身,历史哲学这门古老学科也不例外。在后现代主义思潮进入历史哲学领域之后,研究者开始关注“历史”这个包容性极强的概念中存在的矛盾和分裂,开始追问和反思传统历史叙述中被刻意忽略和回避的问题。经过重新思考的历史在后现代主义语境中被剥夺了“高高在上”的地位:历史文本成为一切文本中的一种文本、历史叙事也成为了一切叙事中的一种叙事。而对历史问题的重新认识也从历史哲学领域蔓延到文学领域,小说界近年来呈现出一种“带着问题回归历史”的趋势——大量小说开始着眼于历史和过去。但是这些植根于后现代主义的小说对历史问题和历史叙述都有着非常清醒的“自我意识”,这些小说的作者直面历史被“书写”的过程,并以对历史的解构和重构来把历史的呈现变成一个问题。加拿大学者哈琴称这种小说为“历史编纂元小说”,而这类小说常常被认为是比论文更加有效的历史研究文本。虽然身处后现代主义思潮之中,但历史编纂元小说却并不认同废黜历史的主张。因为相信“历史”这个人类真实经历过的、经验上实实在在存在过的“过去”承载着人类社会的价值和意义,这个过去也成为人类现在和将来的保障。在质疑历史中回归历史,历史编纂元小说成为集合了后现代主义诸般矛盾的文本。 本文将历史编纂元小说的出现和滥觞与后现代主义历史哲学的转向相结合,将其看作是对后现代主义思潮的一个响亮回应,通过对历史编纂元小说的思想基础、文本特征、书写意义的梳理,希望对其进行一种较全面的综合性研究,并提出有关历史编纂元小说思想特征方面的独特之处:1,历史编纂元小说注意到在历史书写中,意义的自律和经验的可还原性之间存在矛盾;2,作为后现代思潮的产物,历史编纂元小说特别警惕历史叙述中的权力控摄。这也是本论文主要创新之处。 本文共分为六个部分: 绪论部分讨论了20世纪后现代主义思潮之下的历史哲学转向和历史主题在文学小说领域的回归,而历史编纂元小说正是植根于这个文化背景之下。它认同历史与文学一样是一种文字建构,修辞和语言习惯才是历史文本建造中的首要因素,因此历史编纂元小说确定了以自身观念结构历史的方式。绪论还对历史编纂元小说的国内外研究现状进行了梳理,并特别针对历史编纂元小说提出者哈琴的有关论述进行了研究,归纳出其理论的核心内容。 第一章主要论述了历史编纂元小说的基础理论方面的特征。提出历史编纂元小说的思想基础是后现代主义的历史哲学,并将历史编纂元小说与后现代主义历史哲学转向相结合进行了交叉研究,对历史编纂元小说在思想特征方面的独到之处提出自己的看法。 第二章讨论历史编纂元小说的历史表征方式。历史编纂元小说中的叙述是带有史学研究特征的叙述,主要体现为其对“人与过去”和“过去的存在与当下的描述”等问题的认识和实践。而历史编纂元小说又将其文本建立在一种活动的叙述链条之上、将意义展现为一种展开的过程史,从而历史性地将文本变为一个不断被解释的意义增殖体。 第三章探讨了历史编纂元小说对历史的解构。后现代主义时期,历史编纂元小说的作者和历史学家同样发现历史叙述中存在着一个作为话语的“元历史”,其中心正是所谓的“伟大故事”。历史编纂元小说反对元历史的叙述,以反讽的方式将其消解在自身发展的过程中,,以此解构了传统历史叙事的基础和形式。本章共有两节,分别是:1,解构历史叙述;2,解构历史言说。 第四章讨论了历史编纂元小说与历史的重构。历史编纂元小说对历史的重构主要采用如下几种方式:1,重访历史遗落的书写;2,摩拟史传文学的写作;3,对话当代面临的问题。通过重构,历史编纂元小说重新发现了过去与人类自身的密切关系。 结论部分探讨了历史编纂元小说的书写意义。历史学家耶尔恩·吕森说过“过去之中存在着许许多多开放着的将来”,这也正是后现代时期许多作家重拾历史写作的因由。而在历史编纂元小说那里,更聚焦了人类对时代、道德等等问题的重新思考。通过研究,本文得出了如下结论:在历史编纂元小说中,重要的不是对过去真实与否的考量,而是引起人们对判断故事讲述的评判标准的重新评价;对于理解人类的自身和行为,历史叙述承担着不容忽视的作用,它不仅关乎现在,也向将来敞开。
[Abstract]:In the field of post - modernism , the author began to focus on the contradictions and divisions in the concept of " history " , and the historical narrative has become a narrative in all narrations .
This paper combines the appearance of historical compilation and the turning of the origin and the post - modernism history philosophy , and regards it as a loud response to the ideological trend of post - modernism . Through the analysis of the ideological basis , the text characteristic and the writing meaning of the historical compilation , this paper hopes to carry out a more comprehensive comprehensive study , and put forward the unique place in the thought characteristics of the historical compilation Yuan novel : 1 . The historical compilation Yuan novel takes notice of the contradiction between the self - discipline and the reductibility of the experience in the history writing .
2 . As the product of the post - modern trend of thought , the historical compilation Yuan novel is especially alert to the power control in the historical narrative . This is also the main innovation of this thesis .
This paper is divided into six parts :
The introduction part discusses the return of historical philosophical turning and historical theme in the field of literary fiction under the post - modernism trend in the 20th century , which is rooted in this cultural background .
The first chapter mainly discusses the characteristics of the basic theory of historical compilation meta - fiction . The author puts forward that the ideological basis of historical compiling meta - fiction is the historical philosophy of post - modernism , and the combination of historical compilation meta - fiction and post - modernism history philosophy is combined to cross - study .
The second chapter discusses the historical characterization of the historical compilation meta - fiction . The narrative in the historical compilation meta - fiction is a narrative with the characteristics of the historical study , mainly embodied in its understanding and practice of the problems such as " man and the past " and " past existence and present description " .
In chapter 3 , the author and the historian of the historical compilation meta - fiction also found that there is a " meta - history " as a discourse in the historical narrative , and its center is the so - called " great story " .
2 . Deconstruction of historical words .
Chapter four discusses the reconstruction of historical compilation meta - fiction and history . The reconstruction of historical compilation meta - fiction mainly adopts the following ways : 1 , revisiting the writing of historical remains ;
2 . The writing of the historical biography literature ;
3 . The contemporary problems faced by the dialogue . Through the reconstruction , the historical compilation meta - fiction has rediscovered the close relationship between the past and the human itself .
The conclusions are as follows : In the historical compilation of meta - fiction , it is important not to think about the past reality or not , but to reevaluate the judgment standard of judging the story .
To understand human ' s self and behavior , historical account bears the role that can ' t be ignored . It is not only about present but also open to the future .
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