本文选题:文体分析 + 语言特征 ; 参考:《重庆师范大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:阿莉·史密斯是当代英国文学领域最具潜力的一位新秀作家。她的作品自从出版以来,一直都受到广大读者的欣赏与赞扬,其中有些就作品获得了布克奖、柑橘文学奖等重要文学领域奖项的提名。《倘若…》是她出版于2011年的一部小说,这部小说一问世就获得了普遍的赞扬及读者的欢迎。同年,它还被英国两大著名报纸,《卫报》与《出版商周刊》,评论为2011年最佳书籍之一,随后在2012年,它还被提名参评著名的奥兰治小说奖。 本文主要从文学文体学的角度分析了当代英国文坛新秀阿莉·史密斯的小说《倘若……》在语言方面的艺术效果,首先对语言方面的独特之处进行识别和评价,之后对其产生的文体效果做出阐释和评价。 语言层面上的突出之处主要体现为小说简单的用词,句型由简单到复杂的变化,直接引语和自由间接引语的使用,以及叙述技巧中的拼贴与仿作。通过对这些显著的语言特征进行分析,评价和鉴赏从而展现出《倘若……》语言的新颖独特处,同时也有利于读者更好地理解小说以及更深入地欣赏小说的美学价值。 此外,本文还着重于分析小说中的修辞手段,如排比,重复,夸张,它们很好的传达了文本的主题。通过对这些修辞手法的分析和评价,可以使读者更清晰透彻地理解文本。 本文认为,正是小说中的这些显著独特的特征-纯朴的文风,游戏性的语言以及不同寻常的角色吸引了读者。作品的成功主要归功于作者对语言和修辞的独特运用。
[Abstract]:Ali Smith is one of the most promising writers in contemporary English literature. Since her publication, her works have been appreciated and praised by a large number of readers, some of whom have been nominated for important literary awards such as the Booker Prize, the Citrus Literature Award, etc. > is a novel she published in 2011, which was widely praised and welcomed by her readers as soon as it came out. In the same year, it was also reviewed as one of the best books of 2011 by Britain's two most famous newspapers, the Guardian and publisher Weekly, and in 2012 it was nominated for the prestigious Orange novel Award. This paper mainly analyzes the artistic effects of the novel of Aly Smith, a new British literary star, from the perspective of literary stylistics. First of all, it identifies and evaluates the unique aspects of language. After that, the stylistic effect is explained and evaluated. At the linguistic level, the main features are the simple words of the novel, the changes of sentence patterns from simplicity to complexity, the use of direct and indirect quotations, and the collage and imitation of narrative techniques. Through the analysis of these remarkable language features, the author evaluates and appreciates the novel and unique features of the language, and at the same time helps the readers to understand the novel better and appreciate the aesthetic value of the novel more deeply. In addition, the thesis focuses on the rhetorical devices in the novel, such as parallelism, repetition and exaggeration, which well convey the theme of the text. Through the analysis and evaluation of these rhetorical devices, readers can understand the text more clearly and thoroughly. This paper argues that it is these remarkable and unique features of the novel-simple style, playful language and unusual characters that attract readers. The success of the work is mainly attributed to the author's unique use of language and rhetoric.
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