发布时间:2018-05-09 05:41
本文选题:韩国现代文学 + 中国现代文学 ; 参考:《南京大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:本文以1949年前近代媒体出版或刊载的有关韩国现代文学的文章为研究对象,考察韩国现代文学在近代中国的介绍和传播情况并把握其大致的变化趋势;分析中国读者对韩国现代文学的认识,指出“弱小民族文学”观念对韩国现代文学受用过程中产生的影响。 已有研究成果中,对1949年前以近代媒体形式出现的韩国现代文学作品或评论文章,尤其是新闻杂志方面的资料收集和考证工作尚未完善。囿于资料视野的狭窄,韩国现代文学在近代中国的受用情况研究无法充分展开。笔者通过查阅各大期刊目录丛书和图书馆资料,以及检索相关数据库后,收集整理了数量可观的资料,包括9本收录了韩国作家作品的翻译作品集和72篇登载在各类新闻杂志上的译作和评论文章.其中以单行本形式出版的翻译作品集所收录的译作大部份取自于此前新闻杂志上登载的文稿。因此,本文将以新闻杂志上登载的相关文章为主,单行本资料为副,考察解放前韩国现代文学在中国的传播与接受情况。 首先,将以整理和介绍1949年前中国近代媒体出版或刊载的有关韩国现代文学的文章资料为主,按年代,题材,作者与译者,刊载媒体四种类别概括资料的分布情况和特点。通过目前收集的资料可知,最早被介绍的韩国现代文学作品是登载在1926年《东方杂志》第23卷第21号的朴怀月的小说《战斗》(翠生译)。进入30年代,韩国现代文学作品的接受和传播逐渐增多,除了1932年外,每年均有韩国现代文学的相关文章被刊载。这些文章以作品译作与评论文为主,译作体裁多样,涵盖小说,诗歌,戏剧,文学批评等:评论文章包括读后感,文学动态消息以及整体介绍韩国现代文学状况的评论文。作品被译介的韩国作家有李光洙,金东仁,李泰俊,玄镇健,金起林,梁柱东,张赫宙等。尤其值得注意的是,张赫宙的作品被译介得最多。译者方面,则以在中国活动的韩国文人志士(如翠生,柳树人,丁来东等)与通晓日语和世界语的中国文人(如胡风,叶君健,黄源等)为主。亦有相当一部份的作者和译者身份不明,有待日后进一步调查。另外,刊载韩国现代文学相关作品的新闻杂志共有53种,类型不一,并以上海刊行为多。 以第一章的资料概况为基础,下面将集中分析韩国现代文学得以在中国传播的基本条件和其传播和接受情况呈现何种变化趋势。首先,近代中国政治社会状况的需要,近代传播体系的建立以及第三语言的中介策略使韩国现代文学得以克服地理和语言界限,被传播到中国的文化环境之中。另一方面,这三类社会文化条件亦极大地参与了韩国现代文学在中国被传播和塑造的过程。 总的来说,韩国现代文学的受用情况呈现了以下三种不同的变化阶段:第一阶段(1930-1936),受中国左翼文学思潮的推动,韩国现代文学初次以普罗进步文学的姿态登场,反映社会阶级矛盾,饱含革命反抗精神的小说成为被译介的主要对象。第二阶段(1937-1944),日本侵华战争爆发,在侵略与反抗的二重权力对峙语境之下,韩国现代文学被分化为两种不同的形象。一方面作为为民族独立而奋斗的近代国家文学,被中韩文人志士用于表达抗日救国的反抗精神,一方面则作为归属于日本的地区文学,被日本统治势力用于强化大东亚共荣圈形象,宣扬以及合理化日本的统治权威。第三阶段(1945-1949),日本战败,中韩两国迎来民族解放的胜利。在初期短暂的和平环境中,以柳树人为首的一批中韩文人学者,为促进中韩文化的交流创办《中韩文化月刊》,积极介绍韩国现代文学.然而此类良性交流的势头昙花一现,1948年后随着两国政权之间的意识形态对立加深,韩国现代文学的实体被分裂为北朝鲜文学和南朝鲜文学,前者的翻译和介绍在新闻杂志上时有出现,后者则被剔除在人们视线之外。近代中国的韩国现代文学介绍受制于剧烈动荡的东亚政治社会,其过程异常曲折,未及建立起一个稳定的主体形象,而是被不同的话语势力所改写,分化。 另一方面,尽管可以看出韩国现代文学在中国的传播呈现一定的变化趋势,但不得不承认的是,近代中国文人对韩国现代文学的接触仍十分有限。这很大程度上导致了近代中国文人对韩国现代文学的认识相对模糊而发散,但另一方面却间接触发了他们以自身主观的想象补充和塑造韩国现代文学的内涵。这类主观的想象并非全是一己之见,它实际上仍然脱离不了近代文学观念和民族主义思想的思维框架。在这些思维框架的影响之下,韩国现代文学被定义为“弱小民族文学”在中国的传播和介绍。 这种认识框架的作用是多面的。一,它使以下层人民为主人公,反映朝鲜社会问题,具有强烈现实性的韩国近代小说被积极地译介,并由此强化了韩国现代文学作为“弱小民族文学”形象的正当性。兼备朝鲜风土特色和描述殖民地朝鲜社会惨状的张赫宙的初期小说受到追捧的原因也在于此。其本人后来加入亲日作家行列一事并未引起中国文人的关注,40年代后其散文集仍被出版等也体现了这种通过作品内容构建的“弱小民族文学”形象之牢固。它遮蔽了中国文人辩证地看待韩国现代文学的视线,令其陷入一种民族主义的迷思。三,它造成了中国近代文人对韩国现代文学认识的单一化,只是停留在关注现实主题鲜明,情绪化的文学作品,而缺乏足够的能动性去了解韩国现代文学发展过程的丰富性和独特性。中国近代文人对韩国现代文学的总体认识只能比较模糊和发散,有关30年代现代派文学的发展也是鲜有提起。另外,加上文学进化论的强烈影响,韩国现代文学的落后形象更加鲜明。中国文人以俄国或日本的作家为参照去描述韩国著名作家李光洙,廉想涉和李泰俊等的方式,令韩国现代文学的阐释在先进与落后的二元发展论的预设下丧失了自身的独立性和自足性。三,它隐秘地附带了中国文人仍未褪去的本位主义思想,延续古代中国文学对韩国文学的影响论,中国文人眼中的韩国现代文学的边缘性被进一步强化。总的来说,“弱小民族文学”的认识框架为韩国现代文学在中国的介绍和传统提供了契机,但长远的来说,它极大地限制了韩国现代文学在中国的受用数量和范围,令中国文人缺乏以多元和开放的态度认识韩国现代文学的具体内涵。 综上所述,近代中国的韩国现代文学经历了曲折的传播历程,被不同的话语权力所改写和塑造。在“弱小民族文学”的认识框架下,近代文人认识到介绍韩国现代文学的重要性和价值,也不可避免地简化了中国文人对韩国现代文学的认识,极大地限制了韩国现代文学在中国进一步的传播。但总的来说,韩国现代文学的传播是近代文人和读者克服动荡不安的社会局势,寻求各种翻译和阐释策略后生成的极具历史意义的文本。它折射出东亚近代空间里中日韩三国的权力不平衡所导致的文学交流不平等状态。尽管近代中国形成的韩国现代文学面貌是支离破碎,浅显,多义的,韩国现代文学无法被有效地呈现出本来面貌。然而从中所涌动的交流欲望却是真实而迫切的。这种交流的欲望指向了中韩两国关于建立现代国家的乌托邦幻想。 本研究的意义在于以下两点:(1)补充和整理解放前在中国出版或刊载的韩国现代文学资料,并详细地考察各时期资料的具体分布情况和译者,作者,刊载媒体等相关信息,从而弥补以往研究中资料不足的缺陷,扩大已有的研究领域。(2)以整体的视角把握韩国现代文学在中国介绍和传播的历史轮廓和变化趋势,并由此进一步分析当中反映的近代中国文人对韩国现代文学的认识,有助于我们思考韩国现代文学在中国的传播和介绍的动力和运作机理。
[Abstract]:This article, based on the articles published or published by the modern media in 1949, investigates the introduction and dissemination of modern Korean literature in modern China and its general trend of change, and analyzes the Chinese readers' understanding of Korean modern literature, pointing out that the concept of "small and small ethnic literature" is modern in Korea. The influence produced in the process of literary use.
In the existing research achievements, the collection and textual research of modern Korean literary works or commentaries, especially in the news magazines, before 1949, especially in the news magazines, is not perfect. Because of the narrow view of the data, the study of the situation of Korean modern literature in modern China can not be fully expanded. The large periodical catalogue and library materials, as well as the retrieval of the relevant databases, have collected and collated a considerable amount of information, including 9 translated works collection of Korean Writers' works and 72 translations and comments on all kinds of news magazines. The copy is based on the previous articles published in the news magazine. Therefore, this article will take the relevant articles published in the news magazine as the main part, and the documents of the single line will be the deputy to investigate the dissemination and acceptance of the modern Korean literature in China before liberation.
First of all, we will organize and introduce the articles on Modern Korean literature published or published by modern Chinese media before 1949. According to the years, subjects, authors and translators, the distribution and characteristics of the four categories of general information are published. Through the data collected at present, the most early introduced Korean modern literature is published. In 1926, Pu Huaiyue's novel < twenty-third volume twenty-first of the Orient magazine > battle > (Cui Sheng). In 30s, the acceptance and dissemination of modern Korean literary works increased gradually. Except for 1932, the related articles of modern Korean literature were published every year. Poetry, drama, literary criticism, and so on: the review articles include the sense of reading, the literary dynamic news and the review of the state of modern Korean literature as a whole. The translated Korean writers are Lee Guangzhu, Jin Dongren, Li Taijun, Xuan Zhenjian, Jin Lin, Liang Zhudong, and Zhang He Zeus. On the translator's side, the Korean literati (such as Cui Sheng, willow man, Ding Laidong, etc.) in China and Chinese literati who know Japanese and Esperanto (such as Hu Feng, Ye Junjian, Huang Yuan, etc.), and a considerable number of the authors and translators are unidentified and need to be further investigated in the future. In addition, the related works of Korean modern literature are published. There are 53 kinds of news magazines, different types, and more publications.
On the basis of the survey of the first chapter, we will focus on the basic conditions for the dissemination of modern Korean literature in China and the changing trend of its spread and acceptance. First, the needs of the political and social conditions in modern China, the establishment of modern communication system and the intermediary strategy of the third language make Korean modern literature possible. To overcome the geographical and linguistic boundaries, it is spread to the cultural environment of China. On the other hand, these three kinds of social and cultural conditions have also greatly participated in the process of spreading and shaping modern Korean literature in China.
Generally speaking, the situation of the use of modern Korean literature presents the following three different stages: the first stage (1930-1936), driven by the ideological trend of the Chinese left-wing literature, the first stage of the Korean modern literature to appear on the stage of the progressive literature, reflecting the social class contradiction, and the novel which is full of revolutionary revolt has become the main translation. In the second stage (1937-1944), Japan's war of aggression against China broke out, and in the context of the dual power confrontation between aggression and resistance, Korean modern literature was divided into two different images. On the one hand, as a modern national literature striving for national independence, the Chinese and Korean literati were used to express the resistance spirit of resisting Japan and saving the country. The regional literature belonging to Japan was used by the Japanese ruling forces to strengthen the image of the Great East Asian Communist Party, publicize and rationalize the ruling authority of Japan. The third stage (1945-1949), the defeat of Japan, the victory of the national liberation of China and South Korea. In the early and brief peace environment, a group of Chinese and Korean scholars headed by the willow people were promoted. The Sino Korean cultural exchange set up the Chinese and Korean cultural monthly magazine and actively introduced Korean modern literature. However, the momentum of this kind of virtuous communication is a flash in the pan. After 1948, with the ideological opposition between the two regimes of the two countries deepened, the entity of Korean modern literature was divided into North Korean literature and South Korean literature. The former was translated and introduced in the news magazine. The latter has appeared and the latter is excluded from the eyes of the people. Modern Chinese Modern Korean literature is introduced to the political society of East Asia, which is subject to violent turbulence. Its process is unusually tortuous. It has not established a stable main body image, but is rewritten and differentiated by different discourse forces.
On the other hand, although it can be seen that the spread of modern Korean literature in China has shown a certain trend of change, it has to be acknowledged that the modern Chinese literati's contact with Korean modern literature is still very limited. This greatly leads to the relatively vague and divergent understanding of modern Chinese scholars in modern Chinese literature, but on the other hand. They indirectly triggered their own subjective imagination to complement and shape the connotation of Korean modern literature. This kind of subjective imagination is not all one's own opinion, but it can not actually be divorced from the thinking frame of modern literary ideas and nationalist ideas. Under the influence of these thinking frames, Korean modern literature is defined as "Ruo Xiaomin." The communication and introduction of ethnic literature in China.
The role of this cognitive framework is multifaceted. First, it makes the following layers of the people as the protagonist and reflects the social problems of the Korean society. The modern Korean novels with strong realism are actively translated, and thus the legitimacy of the Korean modern literature as a "weak minority literature" is strengthened, and the characteristics of the Korean wind and the colonial North Korea are also described. The cause of the early novels of the social tragedy is also the reason for the popularity of the early novels of the Zhang Hu, which has not attracted the attention of the Chinese literati. After 40s, the collection of his prose is still published, and it also embodies the image of the "weak ethnic culture" constructed through the content of the works. It covers the Chinese literati. Looking at the view of Korean modern literature dialectically, it falls into a kind of nationalist myth. Three, it has resulted in the simplification of modern Chinese literati's understanding of Korean modern literature, but only to pay attention to the vivid and emotional literary works of the realistic themes, but not enough to understand the richness of the process of the development of Korean modern literature. The general understanding of modern Chinese literature in modern Korea can only be blurred and diverged, and the development of the modernist literature of the 30s is rarely mentioned. In addition, with the strong influence of the literary evolution, the backward image of Korean modern literature is more vivid. The Chinese literati are drawing on the reference of Russian or Japanese writers as a reference. The famous Korean writer Lee Guangzhu, Lian Yi, Li Taijun, etc., made the interpretation of Korean modern literature lost its own independence and self-sufficiency under the presupposition of advanced and backward two yuan development theory. Three, it stealthily attached the Chinese literati still unfaded standard thought, and continued the shadow of ancient Chinese literature to Korean Literature. The marginal nature of Korean modern literature in the eyes of Chinese literati is further strengthened. In general, the understanding framework of "weak and small ethnic literature" provides an opportunity for the introduction and tradition of Korean modern literature in China, but in the long run it greatly restricts the amount and scope of the use of modern Korean literature in China. People do not understand the specific connotation of Korean modern literature in a pluralistic and open manner.
To sum up, modern Korean modern Chinese literature has undergone a tortuous course of communication and is rewritten and molded by different discourse powers. Under the framework of "weak ethnic literature", modern literati recognize the importance and value of introducing modern Korean literature, and can not avoid avoiding the recognition of Chinese literati's recognition of Korean modern literature. It greatly restricts the further spread of modern Korean literature in China. But in general, the spread of modern Korean literature is a very historic text created by the modern literati and readers to overcome the turbulent social situation and seek all kinds of translation and interpretation strategies. The unequal state of literary exchange caused by imbalances. Although modern Korean modern literature formed in modern China is fragmentary, shallow and polysemous, Korean modern literature can not be effectively presented. However, the desire to communicate from it is true and urgent. The desire for this exchange points to the Sino Korean relations. The utopian fantasy of building a modern nation.
The significance of this study lies in the following two points: (1) to supplement and collate the data of Korean modern literature published or published in China before liberation, and to examine in detail the specific distribution of the data in various periods, the translator, the author, the publication of the media and other related information, so as to make up for the shortcomings of the previous research and expand the existing research fields. (2) To grasp the historical outline and changing trend of the introduction and dissemination of modern Korean literature in China from a holistic perspective, and to further analyze the reflection of modern Chinese literati's understanding of Korean modern literature will help us to think about the motive and operation mechanism of the dissemination and introduction of modern Korean literature in China.
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