本文选题:狄更斯 + 小说 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:查尔斯·狄更斯是19世纪英国伟大的现实主义作家,他在30余年的创作生涯中描绘了一幅英国19世纪中期的广阔画卷。其笔下塑造了一大群形形色色的人物,,其中描写了大量没有人性、丧失人格、畸形变态的人物,笔锋已经触及到工业资本主义社会的核心问题:人的异化。 异化作为一个固定、规范的学术用语,越来越多地用于对社会和人类生存状况的描述。异化的中心含义是分离,人的异化,是指作为自然-社会整体存在的个人,在现实社会中其人性内在的统一性遭到破坏、人的存在的完整性一点点走向分离、缺失——这样一种人的生存状态的社会现象。 在狄更斯的小说中,人物的异化主要表现在自然属性和社会属性两个方面。自然属性方面,兽性抑制人性,物性压制人性,极端理性压抑人的天性;社会属性方面则主要表现在人与人之间、人与社会之间关系的异化。人类在寻求发展进步的同时创造了大量物质财富和精神财富,诸如政治、法律、教育制度,各种政治经济理论和科学理性等等,这些财富反而成为统治人、迫害人的异己力量,破坏了人的存在的完整性,造成人性的扭曲和畸形。 狄更斯将物化、夸张、重复、对比和视角转换等多种艺术手法融合在一起,把人在物欲控制压抑变态的异化特征生动地表现出来,凸显了人成了野兽、人成了物品、机器这个异化主题。虽然小说中人物异化的表现手法稍显单一,但狄更斯目光如炬,在现代资本主义发展的初期,已经敏锐地意识到,现代工业社会在快速发展的同时,带来工具理性和技术理性的过度膨胀,从而排斥、压制人文理性,破坏了人性内在的统一性和人的存在的完整性,阻碍人性的健康发展,造成人的扭曲和异化。狄更斯对人性的关注和探索,对人的生存状态的忧虑,在我们今天看来仍具有十分深远的意义。
[Abstract]:Charles Dickens is a great realistic writer in England in the 19th century. He painted a broad picture of England in the middle of 19th century in his more than 30 years' writing career. His works have created a large number of characters of all kinds, including a large number of dehumanized, depersonalized and abnormal characters. The pen has touched the core problem of the industrial capitalist society: the alienation of human beings. Alienation, as a fixed, normative academic term, is more and more used to describe the social and human living conditions. The central meaning of alienation is separation. Human alienation refers to the individual, as a whole of nature and society, whose inherent unity of human nature is destroyed in the real society, and the integrity of human existence moves towards separation little by little. Absence-the social phenomenon of such a state of existence. In Dickens's novels, the alienation of characters is mainly manifested in the nature and social attributes. In the aspect of natural attribute, animal nature suppresses human nature, materiality suppresses human nature, and extreme rationality suppresses human nature, while social attribute mainly displays in alienation of relationship between people and society. While seeking development and progress, mankind has created a great deal of material and spiritual wealth, such as politics, law, educational system, various political and economic theories, scientific rationality, and so on. Instead, these wealth have become the alien forces that govern and persecute people. It destroys the integrity of human existence and causes distortion and deformity of human nature. Dickens combines various artistic techniques, such as materialization, exaggeration, repetition, contrast and change of perspective, to display vividly the dissimilation characteristic of man in the control of material desire to suppress and pervert, highlighting the fact that man has become a beast and a human being an object. Machine is the subject of alienation. Although the dissimilation of the characters in the novel is a little monolithic, but Dickens's vision is tortuous, in the early stage of the development of modern capitalism, he has been acutely aware that the modern industrial society is developing rapidly at the same time. It leads to the excessive expansion of instrumental rationality and technical rationality, thus repel and suppress humanistic rationality, destroys the unity of human nature and the integrity of human existence, hinders the healthy development of human nature, and causes distortion and alienation of human beings. Dickens' concern about human nature and his anxiety about human existence are still of great significance to us today.
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