本文选题:卡森·麦卡勒斯 + 《心是孤独的猎手》 ; 参考:《四川外国语大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:卡森麦卡勒斯是二十世纪美国文坛一位才华横溢的女作家,其小说侧重于描绘主流社会的边缘人物,大多体现孤独的主题。《心是孤独的猎手》是麦卡勒斯的第一部长篇小说,也是她一举成名的作品,居“现代文库20世纪百佳英文小说”第17位。小说中,麦卡勒斯用婉柔、细腻的笔调为我们展现了三个酷儿沦为社会牺牲品的遭遇。辛格对安东尼帕罗斯深沉的爱是他生命的支柱,然而同性之爱并不被理解,,他在安静而又狂乱里最终选择死亡。米克在自己的两个世界徘回,然而模糊的性别观念最终导致她被关到“里屋”外面,丢失了灵魂中最美丽的部分。比夫在自己的男性气质和女性气质间挣扎,雌雄同体的现象使他终日处在孤独与困惑中。 长期以来,学术界普遍关注麦卡勒斯作品中的精神隔绝问题,却很少探讨她作品中的酷儿现象。通过细读文本,本文尝试从酷儿理论的视角分析《心是孤独的猎手》中三个被放逐到主流社会边缘的酷儿们的困境,指出他们沦为社会牺牲品的原因和具体表现,以及作者如何通过三个主人翁的酷儿经历来解构传统的性与性别观念。 论文主要由三部分构成。第一部分为绪论,主要介绍卡森·麦卡勒斯及《心是孤独的猎手》,综述国内外学者对其作品的研究状况,指出本文的创新之处在于从酷儿理论的视角探讨《心是孤独的猎手》中被社会排斥、压抑的酷儿们注定成为牺牲品,并在此基础上对本文的理论做出阐释和说明。第二本分为正文,主要分为三章。第一章指出酷儿们沦为社会牺牲品的原因;第二章分析文本中三个酷儿与主流社会的格格不入,揭示出他们在异性恋社会里的生存困境;第三章分析作者对传统的性取向以及性别二元论的解构。第三部分为结语,指出《心是孤独的猎手》揭示了酷儿是异性恋霸权社会的受害者和牺牲品,强调卡森·麦卡勒斯提倡的是追求两性及其关系的自由发展,公平、公正地对待酷儿。
[Abstract]:Carson? McCullers is a talented American writer in the 20th century. Her novels focus on depicting the marginal characters of the mainstream society, mostly reflecting the theme of loneliness. "Heart is the Lonely Hunter" is McCullers' first novel. She also became famous, ranking 17 th in the 20th Century Best English novel in the Modern Library. In the novel, McCullers shows us how three queers fell victim to society. Singh's deep love for Antony Palos was the mainstay of his life, but gay love was not understood, and he chose to die in silence and madness. Mick haunts her two worlds, but vague notions of gender eventually lead to her being locked out of the inner room, losing the most beautiful part of her soul. Biff struggles between his masculinity and femininity, androgyny makes him lonely and confused all day. For a long time, the academic circles generally pay attention to the spiritual isolation in McCullers' works, but seldom discuss the cool phenomenon in her works. By reading the text carefully, this paper tries to analyze the plight of the three queens banished to the edge of the mainstream society from the perspective of queer theory, and points out the reasons and the concrete performance of the three queens who have been banished to the edge of the mainstream society. And how the author deconstructs traditional sexual and gender concepts through the three masters' queer experiences. The thesis consists of three parts. The first part is the introduction, mainly introduces Carson McCullers and "Heart is a Lonely Hunter", summarizes the domestic and foreign scholars' research on his works. It is pointed out that the innovation of this paper lies in the discussion of the social exclusion of the repressed queers from the perspective of the theory of queer, and the explanation and explanation of the theory of this paper. The second part is divided into three chapters. The first chapter points out the reasons why cool children fall victim to the society, the second chapter analyzes the three queers in the text that are incompatible with the mainstream society, and reveals their plight in heterosexual society. The third chapter analyzes the author's deconstruction of traditional sexual orientation and gender dualism. The third part is the conclusion, which points out that "mind is a lonely hunter" reveals that queer is the victim and victim of heterosexual hegemonic society, and emphasizes that Carson McCullers advocates the pursuit of free development and fairness of both sexes and their relationships. Treat queer fairly.
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