本文选题:尤金·奥尼尔 + 《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:1936年诺贝尔文学奖和四次普利茨戏剧奖获得者尤金·奥尼尔以其艺术创作手法的大胆革新和对人类悲剧性困境的深切关注享誉美国乃至世界戏剧界,成为美国戏剧里程碑式的人物。奥尼尔的巅峰之作《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》延续了其悲剧创作的一贯风格,充分体现了奥尼尔对现代家庭悲剧和个人悲剧产生的根源与表现形式的敏锐洞察。 有关剧中四个人物的性格与命运的女性主义解读以及弗洛伊德式或荣格式心理分析解读已屡见不鲜。本论文试图突破这一固有论调,运用科胡特自体心理学中心理创伤的代际转移及父母的移情能力对个人心理健康发展的影响等相关观点,探讨现代主义作品中突出的精神困境主题。 本文主体部分以三章展开论述。第一章探讨剧中为人父母的詹姆斯和玛丽自身的心理创伤如何导致其陷入孤独、异化以及丧失信仰和归属感的精神困境,造成其移情能力的缺失,从而为自身及儿子们精神困境的形成埋下祸根。第二章分析剧中困陷于父母精神创伤之“后遗症”中的年轻一代是如何挣扎其中的,詹姆斯自我毁灭式的愤世嫉俗与埃德蒙的自我身份的迷失再次证明家庭环境尤其是母亲在其成长过程中情感关怀的缺失以及父母精神创伤的迁移会对后代心理健康产生不可忽视的影响。第三章分析剧中人物如何从厉言责备与反唇相讥的反复纠结中走向心门开启的时刻,相对于玛丽注定失败的无力挣扎,其他三名男性成员开启了坦诚相视的大门,展现这个问题家庭近乎绝望的悲剧中闪现的希望之光。 本文通过将个人的精神困境置于狄龙这一特定的机能失调家庭中,突出个人悲剧与家庭悲剧的紧密联系,揭示了奥尼尔戏剧主题与科胡特自体心理学的相通之处,即个人心理健康发展与其家庭环境是密不可分的。奥尼尔虽然暗示了现代人这一挣扎与探索的悲剧性,却试图以此强调宣泄与倾诉的心理功能,呼吁在此基础上家庭成员间的理解和宽恕,相互支撑,共同面对真实的生活。正是这一理解与宽恕的主题印证了奥尼尔毕生戏剧创作的追求——探寻拯救现代人类于精神劫难之路,从而给美国乃至世界戏剧带来了不可磨灭的深远影响。
[Abstract]:Eugene O'Neill, winner of the 1936 Nobel Prize for Literature and the four Pulitzer Drama Awards, is well known in the United States and even in the world for his bold innovations in artistic creation and his deep concern for the tragic plight of mankind. To become a landmark figure in American drama. O'Neill 's masterpiece "the long Journey into the Night" continues the consistent style of his tragic creation, and fully reflects O'Neill 's keen insight into the origin and manifestation of modern family tragedy and individual tragedy. Feminist interpretation of the characters and fate of the four characters and Freudian or glorious psychoanalysis are common. This paper attempts to break through this theory and apply the intergenerational transfer of psychological trauma and the influence of parental empathy on the development of personal mental health in Kohute's autologous psychology. This paper probes into the prominent theme of spiritual dilemma in modernist works. The main part of this paper is discussed in three chapters. The first chapter explores how the psychological trauma of James and Mary, who are parents in the play, causes them to fall into loneliness, alienation, and the spiritual dilemma of losing their faith and sense of belonging, resulting in the loss of their empathy ability. Thus the formation of spiritual predicament for themselves and their sons buried the root of disaster. The second chapter analyzes how the young generation trapped in the "sequelae" of their parents' mental trauma struggle among them. James' self-destructive cynicism and Edmund's loss of self-identity once again prove that the family environment, especially the loss of emotional care in the mother's growing up, and the migration of the parent's traumas, will have a psychological impact on future generations. Kang has an effect that cannot be ignored. The third chapter analyzes how the characters in the play walk to the moment of opening the door from the repeated entanglements of rebuke and retort. In contrast to Mary's inability to struggle for failure, the other three male members open the door to a frank and honest view. Show the glimmer of hope in the almost desperate tragedy of the problem family. By placing personal spiritual predicament in Dillon, a special dysfunctional family, this paper highlights the close relationship between individual tragedy and family tragedy, and reveals the similarities between O'Neill 's drama theme and Kohute's autologous psychology. That is, the development of personal mental health and their family environment is inseparable. Although O'Neill hinted at the tragedy of modern man's struggle and exploration, he tried to emphasize the psychological function of catharsis and confiding, and called on the understanding and forgiveness among family members to support each other and face the real life together. It is this theme of understanding and forgiveness that confirms O'Neill 's pursuit of life-long drama creation-to explore the way to save modern human beings from spiritual distress, thus bringing indelible and profound influence to American and even world dramas.
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