本文选题:莎士比亚 + 汤显祖 ; 参考:《重庆师范大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:中西戏剧史上有着数不清的奇珍异宝。但在表达爱情力量的伟大、抨击封建俗礼的虚伪方面,却有着很多相似的作品,其中的《牡丹亭》和《罗密欧与朱丽叶》堪称16世纪末期爱情悲剧中的“双生花”。《牡丹亭》凭借着冲破封建礼教牢笼的“至情”力量,打动了古今中外的无数读者。《罗密欧与朱丽叶》创造出一段在封建家长专制下无所畏惧的爱情故事,触动了每个读者的心灵,从而情不自禁地将悲伤延续。 虽然莎士比亚与汤显祖并不处于同一创作空间,但就两部作品而言,从作家的生活时代到文学思想,从作品的主题展现到情节设置,都有着惊人的相似之处。也就是说无论从主观思维还是客观环境出发,它们都存在着可比性。尤其是两部作品中不约而同出现的“情越理”的冲突,更值得深究。本篇论文拟立足两部作品文本,运用比较文学中平行比较的方法,,分五部分系统探讨两部作品的“情越理”冲突的异同,且重点研究造成这种异同的原因。 第一部分为绪论。详细了解国内外研究现状,指出关于两部作品研究的不足之处,在此基础上提出本文的研究论题,并概述本文的研究方法与研究内容,阐述“情越理”的相关概念。 第二部分为类同性与异质性分析。通过对两部作品及作家文学背景、创作主题两方面的比较来分析其类同性。它们都是诞生于16世纪末期的爱情悲剧,都运用了浪漫主义来展现“情越理”的冲突。再通过对两部作品中“情越理”冲突的表现形式和内容两方面来阐明其异质性。《牡丹亭》主旨在于批判封建礼教,总体气质复杂沉郁;《罗密欧与朱丽叶》主旨在于歌颂自由恋爱,总体气质简单明朗。 第三部分为“情越理”冲突的异同比较。主要从题材流变、结构安排、情节设置、主题展现、意象选用、人物塑造、语言表达等七方面详细论证两部作品“情越理”冲突中的异同。 第四部分为中西悲剧中“情越理”冲突异同的文化探源。从中西方伦理规范、人文主义思想、文学思想、宗教和哲学思想、时代环境、悲剧审美风格等六方面来具体探讨造成“情越理”冲突差异的原因。 第五部分结语。通过研究,笔者提出在尊重作品原本的主题思想和文化内涵的基础上,结合时代发展,赋予其新的理解和创作,方能延续古典悲剧作品的生命力。文中所分析的七大异同以及造成异同的六大原因,对以后的中西悲剧研究具有重要意义。
[Abstract]:There are countless treasures in the history of Chinese and Western dramas. But there are many similar works in expressing the great power of love and attacking the hypocrisy of feudal rites. "Peony Pavilion" and "Romeo and Juliet" are the "twin flowers" in the love tragedy of the late 16th century. Romeo and Juliet create a love story with no fear under the feudal patriarchal tyranny, which touches the heart of every reader, and can not help but continue the sorrow. Although Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu are not in the same creative space, there are striking similarities between the two works, from the writer's life era to literary thought, from the theme of the work to the plot setting. That is to say, whether from subjective thinking or objective environment, they are comparable. Especially the conflict between the two works. Based on the text of two works and using the method of parallel comparison in comparative literature, this paper systematically discusses the similarities and differences of the conflict between the two works, and focuses on the causes of the differences and similarities. The first part is the introduction. This paper introduces the current situation of domestic and foreign research, points out the deficiencies of the research on the two works, puts forward the research topic of this paper, summarizes the research methods and contents of this paper, and expounds the related concepts of "emotion and reason". The second part is the analysis of homogeneity and heterogeneity. By comparing the two works and the literary background of the writer and the theme of creation, this paper analyzes the similarities and differences between the two works and the writer's literary background. They are love tragedies born in the end of the 16 th century and use romanticism to demonstrate the conflict of love and reason. Then through the two works of the conflict between the expression form and content to clarify its heterogeneity. The main purpose of < Peony Pavilion > is to criticize the feudal ethics, the overall temperament is complex and gloomy; Romeo and Juliet, the main purpose is to celebrate free love, the overall temperament is simple and clear. The third part is the similarities and differences of the conflict. This paper discusses in detail the similarities and differences between the two works in the conflict of emotion and reason from seven aspects such as subject evolution, structure arrangement, plot setting, theme display, image selection, character shaping, language expression, and so on. The fourth part is the cultural source of the conflict between Chinese and Western tragedies. From the six aspects of ethical norms, humanism, literature, religion and philosophy, the environment of the times and the aesthetic style of tragedy, this paper probes into the causes of the conflict between "emotion and reason". Conclusion of the fifth part. Through the research, the author puts forward that on the basis of respecting the original theme and cultural connotation of the works, combining with the development of the times, the author can endow them with new understanding and creation, so as to continue the vitality of the classical tragic works. The seven similarities and differences and the six causes of the similarities and differences are of great significance to the study of Chinese and Western tragedies in the future.
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