[Abstract]:Ishiguro Yiyu is an outstanding representative of the literary minority literature in the British literary world. Ishiguro Yiyu is deeply concerned not only because of his artistic achievements in the contemporary literary world, but also because of the international theme of ethnic minorities in his novels. Ishiguro Yiyu's works are not much concerned with the existence and mental state of the traditional minority ethnic groups. By using Lacan's theory, this paper makes an in-depth analysis of the constitution of Ishiguro Yiyu's 2005 buck prize nomination novel, "don't let me go" in the form of the subjectivity of the female owner, and through the deep analysis of Casey's three world from inside to outside, this article aims to prove Munkesi's understanding and acceptance of his cloned identity. Cheng Qia is the cognitive process of human being on the subject in the era of post humanism. So, Ishiguro Yiyu fable to the reader to show the subject definition and cognitive mode of human being in the process of evolution from the pre enlightenment to the backward modern.
In this paper, the main body of the novel is divided into three levels from the inner to the outside, and the rise of the master level is also the alienation of the main body. In this process, the article is divided into five parts. The first part mainly reviews and introduces the related theories of Lacan's criticism of Ishiguro Yiyu's works. The two part focuses on the analysis of the first layer of the main body of the three main characters in the text. Through the analysis of the imagination, the symbolic and the real world, which are represented by Casey, Ruth and Tommy, the third part focuses on the second main body of the world. Helson, a boarding school, is a concrete carrier introduced by Ruth and a further expansion of the inner world of the master. In the contrast of the similarity and contradiction between the human and cloned cognitive patterns, the main body of Helson is based on the similarity and agreement between human and clon. The fourth part is discussed. In the third layers of the novel, the postmodernizing trend of human beings' definition of the subject and the subjectivity of the host under the influence of other persons surpass the return. Thus the conclusion of the last part is that the cognitive process of "don't let me walk >" is the mapping and epitome of the human subject's history. Readers rethink the definition of modern human subjectivity.
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