[Abstract]:Louise Erdrichn (1954-) is an Indian woman writer born in North Dakota. She wrote a lot of works, including Love Medicine, which was published in 1984. This work has strong Indian characteristics and pays close attention to the mixed identity of contemporary Indians. Based on the existing research results and the method of text reading, this paper explains the Indian mythology and the identity construction of contemporary native Indians from the perspective of mythological archetypal criticism. This will open up a new perspective for a deeper understanding of the archetypal images, archetypal characters and motifs in this work and the identity crisis and construction of native Indians. First of all, by analyzing the three archetypal images in Love Medicine, the author thinks that these images reflect the plight and identity crisis of contemporary Indians, and at the same time, reflect the pursuit of self-identity of contemporary Indians from another aspect. Secondly, by analyzing the Indian archetypal characters used by Erdrich in this work, the author points out that the construction of contemporary Indian identity should first be reflected in the return of traditional tribal concepts. The construction of tribal identity is an important part of the construction of contemporary Indian identity. Finally, through the analysis of the motif in his works, the author thinks that the key point of Edridge's love medicine lies in the construction of the identity of contemporary Indian women, because women play an important role in the traditional Indian culture. The construction of the identity of Indian women not only embodies the writing purpose of Erdridge, but also lays the seeds of hope for the identity construction of the whole Indian collective. Based on the above analysis, this thesis thinks that "Love Medicine" fully reflects the importance of Indian mythology for the construction of contemporary Indian identity. In addition, the author hopes that from the perspective of archetypal criticism provided in this paper, it will be helpful for the study of other Indian works from the archetypal criticism theory.
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