[Abstract]:William Faulkner is one of the famous American novelists in the 20 th century. There are many images of Southern blacks in his works, reflecting the author's concern about racism in the South. "the intruder of the grave" is a famous work of Faulkner's late writing career. This novel embodies Faulkner's concept of race and becomes an important work of expressing Faulkner's racism. This paper tries to use Freud's psychoanalytic theory to analyze the character and psychological activities of Black Lux, White Chick, and Uncle Gavin, his lawyer Uncle Gavin, from the perspective of personality. It shows the psychological process of the three characters to mature, but also expresses the change of the racial concept of these three people. The first chapter briefly summarizes Freud's personality theory of psychoanalysis, the formation and development of the theory, the definition of ego, ego and superego, and points out the influence of Freud's theory on literature. In the second, third and fourth chapters, the characters of Negro Lux, White Chuck and lawyer Gavin are discussed in detail, and their views on the murder of Negro Lux and their psychological activities are analyzed in detail. Thus showing the three people gradually mature racial concept. Through the detailed analysis of the characters of the novel, this paper holds that the characters in Faulkner's works can not get rid of the influence of the concept of race, and that racism has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and that everyone is looking at blacks with colored glasses. The author of this novel, Faulkner, is influenced by culture, society, history and other factors. Although his racial concept is becoming more mature, he still has its own limitations, and can also see that racism is everywhere.
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