[Abstract]:"The catcher in the wheat field" is the famous work of American contemporary writer J D Salinger. It is also the only novel of the writer. For a long time, researchers at home and abroad have analyzed the theme of the novel quite well, especially the theme of growth that has become the representative work of the American generation novel. It has a long history in the domestic and foreign literary circles. The growth novel takes the specific human group, the youth group as the main body, and takes the most important course of growth in the course of life as the content, the art and the centralization of the common and similar growth experience. The catcher in the wheat field is simple, the language is individualized, and the works are published. After a strong response, the biggest reason is that Salinger has created a heroine image of the hero, Holton, who has been portrayed by Salinger, who does not understand politeness and bad conduct, and is inward and lonely. On the inheritance and innovation of the traditional growth novel, the influence of the social background on the growth theme is reflected, and the theme of growth revealed in the individualization of the language of the novel is analyzed from the narrative level. Salinger depicts the rebellion and publicity of the character's character with the vulgarization of the vulgarization of the character language, and the humorous teasing language. The language regulates the dark and obscure atmosphere of the whole novel. Its linguistic features are the finishing touch to the whole novel, which depicts the extreme split between the protagonist and the inner, reflecting the inner world of the contradictions and struggles of the main body, and finally, from the psychological level of the experience of growth, the analysis of the interspersed and hidden growth rites in the works, The heroine's talk and many fantasies, on the surface, are the precursors of his schizophrenia. In fact, it shows the inevitable growth steps to be withstood in the experience of human growth. The experience and inner feelings of the three days and two nights of this depressed middle school student, Salinger, not only show the confusion and loss of the teenager's growth, but also from the side. The hypocrisy and darkness in the social development reflect the falsehood and the floating of the existence of the adult world. The clever interpretation of the theme of the novel is of great enlightenment to the modern people.
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