[Abstract]:Susan Sontag is a famous American literary critic and novelist. In 1966, she published her works against interpretation. As soon as this article was published, it aroused heated discussion in the literary world at that time. In this collection, Sontag put forward the theory of opposing interpretation in view of the critical pattern of the critics at that time. This theory contains two major connotations. First, it opposes simplistic interpretations of works of art, especially those of psychology and sociology. Secondly, this theory advocates that literary criticism should be changed from the attention to the content to the attention to the form, and the readers should pay attention to the charm of the works in the form of art. Sontag not only put forward the theory of anti-interpretation, but also put it into practice in her literary creation. Among them, the novel the Grace and the Box of death are the masterpieces. As the key words of the novel, Dreamland and death constitute the main tone of the two works. And Santage uses the two propositions of human life to discuss the real problem of human life and practice his theory of opposing interpretation. This study analyzes the theory of opposition to interpretation, and then studies the practice and application of this theory in Sontag's novels the Grace and the Box of death.
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4 翟,