[Abstract]:David Lodge (1935-), a contemporary British writer, published his latest masterpiece, "the multifacet Life of the flirtatious Talent" (A Man of Parts:A Novel),) in April 2011, based on the late British writer H.G. Wellsn 1866- A biographical novel for the protagonist. The 500-page masterpiece has gained critical acclaim once it was released. The novel begins at the end of World War II, when old, frail and disease-stricken Wells (or H.G. in the words of family and friends) In London's war-torn home, I look back at my life dominated by literature, politics, and women. He was once the most famous writer in the world, with the time machine, (Time Machine), interstellar war, (The War of Worlds),
【作者单位】: 杭州师范大学外国语学院;
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