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发布时间:2018-09-01 08:46
【摘要】:威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare,1564-1616)是全世界最伟大的诗人和剧作家之一。其所有作品包括38部戏剧、154首十四行诗以及2首叙事长诗。其中历史剧有十部,约占其戏剧总数的三分之一。《理查三世》大约创作于1593年,其原名为《理查三世的悲剧》The Tragedy of King Richard the Third。该剧描写了从1471年亨利六世去世至1485年理查灭亡这14年的故事,展现了理查从谋求皇位到加冕直至最后战死于布华斯战场(Bosworth Field)的过程。 本文由导论、结论以及四个主体部分构成。第一章拟探究莎剧《理查三世》最初的史料来源——即托马斯.莫尔的《理查三世史》。通过还原托马斯.莫尔创作《理查三世史》的历史语境,展示出莫尔是从自己的立场和角度出发,有所选择的记录和建构了历史文本。第二章拟探究莎剧《理查三世》与其史料来源的关系。通过考证该剧与史料记录的差异,,展示出莎士比亚也同样基于自己的立场和观点,参与了历史的建构。经第一、二章的探究,从而指出“历史的文本性。”第三章拟探讨该剧与伊丽莎白一世统治最后十年政治时局的关系。通过将剧本中鲜明的派系斗争、政客之间争权夺利的主题与当时政治事件、政治人物争斗格局相并置,指出该文本与当时政治时局的相互影响、相互建构。第四章则进一步探讨该剧主人公理查三世、与当时政局中风云人物罗伯特·塞西尔的相似和契合,展示出文学文本对历史、政治和文化的建构。经第三、四章的探讨,从而揭示出“文本的历史性。”基于主体部分的分析,本文拟得出这样的结论:《理查三世》是一部“文本”与“历史”相互交融的作品,它既被历史所塑造又塑造着历史。表面上该剧是一部述说英格兰过去历史的戏剧,但实际上剧中包含着许多当时政治时局的因素,揭示出伊丽莎白一世统治最后十年间复杂的政治斗争。莎士比亚敏锐地捕捉到了当时政局的特征,并在剧中展示出自己的政治立场。莎氏在述说过往历史的同时,也干预了其创作当下的历史。
[Abstract]:William Shakespeare,1564-1616 is one of the greatest poets and playwrights in the world. All his works include 38 dramas, 154 sonnets and 2 long narrative poems. There are ten historical dramas, accounting for about 1/3 of the total number of plays. Richard III was written around 1593, formerly known as the tragedy of Richard III. The Tragedy of King Richard the Third. The play describes the 14 years between Henry VI's death in 1471 and Richard's death in 1485. It shows Richard's progress from seeking the throne to being crowned until he finally died in the Battle of Buvas. This paper consists of an introduction, a conclusion and four main parts. The first chapter will explore the original historical source of Shakespeare's play Richard III, that is Thomas. Moore's History of Richard III. By restoring Thomas. The historical context of Moore's creation of the History of Richard III shows that Moore selectively recorded and constructed the historical text from his own standpoint and angle. The second chapter explores the relationship between Shakespeare's play Richard III and its historical sources. Through textual research on the difference between the play and historical records, it shows that Shakespeare also participated in the construction of history on the basis of his own stand and viewpoint. After the first and second chapters of the inquiry, it points out that "the text of history." The third chapter discusses the relationship between the play and the political situation in the last ten years of Elizabeth I's reign. By combining the distinct factional struggle, the theme of power struggle among politicians with the political events of the time and the pattern of political figures' struggle, the author points out that the text and the political situation at that time influence each other and construct each other. The fourth chapter further discusses the similarities and consonance between Richard III, the protagonist of the play, and Robert Cecil, a figure in the political situation at that time, and shows the construction of history, politics and culture in the literary texts. Through the discussion of the third and fourth chapters, it reveals the historical nature of the text. Based on the analysis of the main part, this paper draws such a conclusion: Richard III is a "text" and "history" intermingled with each other, it is not only shaped by history but also shaped by history. On the face of it, the play is a drama about the history of England, but in fact it contains many factors of the political situation at that time, revealing the complicated political struggle during the last ten years of Elizabeth I's reign. Shakespeare acutely captured the characteristics of the political situation at that time and displayed his political position in the play. While telling the past history, she also interfered with the present history of his creation.


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