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发布时间:2018-09-19 13:37
【摘要】:离别对人们来说意义重大,无论在古代中国还是古代日本,都有临行前作诗赠别以抒发依依不舍之情的习惯。中国最早的送别诗出自《诗经》,而堪称日本“诗经”的《万叶集》中也出现了离别歌的身影。学者伍爱凤在比较中国古代送别诗和日本古代汉诗中的送别诗时论述了后者对前者的承继关系。由于古代日本文坛曾有过热衷于模仿汉诗的风潮,所以其具有中国古诗的影子不足为奇。而本文拟探讨由日本的独特土壤孕育出来的和歌与中国古诗在以离别为主题时,各自在题材、情感以及意象上的特征,以及比较这些特征的异同点并探究其产生原因。笔者结合个人能力,将考察范围限定在两国各具代表性的日本平安时代与唐代,并以平安时代最有名的和歌集《古今和歌集》中的离别歌与唐诗中的送别诗作为考察对象。 本文共由三章构成。序论部分论述课题来源、先行研究状况以及本研究的方法、意义。第一章着重考察《古今和歌集》离别歌的主要题材类型,通过和送别诗的题材进行比较,总结了两者的异同点,并进一步分析了离别歌中鲜少征战,赴任主题的原因。第二章首先梳理离别歌的情感类型,然后将其与送别诗的主要情感类型比较,归纳了二者的异同之处,并探究在抒情上一个阴柔一个阳刚的原因。第三章侧重分析离别歌的意象特点,将其与送别诗的意象特色相比较,阐述了二者的异同点以及呈现出不同艺术特点的原因。结论部分总结第一至三章探讨的结果。
[Abstract]:Parting means a great deal to people, whether in ancient China or ancient Japan, there is the habit of writing poems to express their reluctance. The earliest farewell poems in China came from the Book of songs, and farewell songs appeared in the Book of songs of Japan. In comparing the farewell poems in ancient China with those in ancient Japanese poems, Wu Aifeng, a scholar, discusses the inheritance of the latter to the former. Since there was a trend in ancient Japanese literature to imitate Chinese poetry, it was not surprising that it had the shadow of ancient Chinese poetry. This paper intends to discuss the characteristics of the theme, emotion and image of the harmony song and the ancient Chinese poetry in the theme of departure, and to compare the similarities and differences of these characteristics and explore the reasons for their emergence. In combination with personal ability, the author limits the scope of investigation to Japan's Ping'an era and Tang Dynasty, which are representative of the two countries, and takes farewell songs and farewell poems in Tang poetry, the most famous collection of harmony songs in the peaceful era, as the objects of investigation. This paper consists of three chapters. The preface discusses the source of the subject, the research situation, the method and significance of this study. The first chapter focuses on the main theme types of parting songs, summarizes their similarities and differences by comparing them with the theme of farewell poems, and further analyzes the reasons for the lack of war and the theme of going to the post. The second chapter firstly combs the emotional types of parting songs, then compares them with the main emotional types of farewell poems, sums up the similarities and differences between the two, and explores the reason of lyrical tenderness and masculinity. The third chapter focuses on the analysis of the image characteristics of farewell songs, compares them with the image characteristics of farewell poems, and expounds the similarities and differences between the two and the reasons for the different artistic characteristics. The conclusion part summarizes the results of the first to third chapters.


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