发布时间:2018-10-04 20:59
【摘要】:《弗兰德公路》是法国新小说作家克劳德·西蒙代表作之一,是一部具有后现代性质的经典作品。目前,国内学者将研究重点集中在:战争、死亡、性爱主题,形式方面的绘画结构、巴洛克结构和意识流等。然这些主题、形式方面的特征只是作品显性表现,形成这些特征的内在因素是叙述方面的“同时性”。 因亲历战争和对生活的独特体验,西蒙在小说中以“回忆”作结构,引进电影、绘画领域技巧,对场景和画面进行拼贴、并置,并在叙述中频繁穿插,不断进行反复叙述,将回忆、想象、梦境结合,造成小说时空的混乱,从而在叙述方式上表现出“同时性”特征。而这叙述的“同时性”又在深层意义上暗合了人类一种生存状态与生命体验,使作品内涵获得延伸。同时,“同时性”取代传统线性叙述,造成叙事时间的混乱,在叙事内容上产生诸多不确定性和缺项,给读者阅读设置了障碍,对读者接受形成一种召唤结构,客观上要求读者进行创造性阅读,即读者须对小说进行重读,并在重读中进行填补,这对读者阅读产生一定影响,进一步改变着现代读者阅读习惯及方式。“同时性”对读者的积极参与提出要求,西蒙以此为契机,将“同时性”叙述方式与社会现状联系起来。现代社会中人与人的关系变得冷漠,从而造成彼此的不理解,西蒙的创新处就在于将小说作为读者参与、再创造的一个窗口,进而提供了使人们实现精神层面主动交流和沟通的一种可能。
[Abstract]:Flanders Highway is one of the masterpieces of French novel writer Claude Simon, and it is a postmodern classic work. At present, domestic scholars focus on: war, death, sexual themes, formal painting structure, Baroque structure and stream of consciousness. However, the characteristics of these themes and forms are only the explicit manifestations of the works, and the internal factors that form these characteristics are the "synchronism" of narration. Because of his own experience of war and life, Simon used "memory" as a structure in his novel, introducing film and painting techniques, collating scenes and pictures, and constantly interposing them in narratives. The combination of recollection, imagination and dreams leads to the chaos of time and space of the novel, thus showing the characteristic of "synchronism" in the narrative style. And the narration of "synchronism" in the deep sense of a living state and life experience, so that the connotation of the work has been extended. At the same time, "synchronism" replaces the traditional linear narration, resulting in confusion of narrative time, many uncertainties and lack of items in the narrative content, setting up obstacles for readers to read, and forming a kind of calling structure for readers to accept. Objectively speaking, it requires the reader to read creatively, that is, the reader should reread the novel and fill in it, which has a certain influence on the reader's reading, and further changes the reading habits and ways of modern readers. "synchronism" demands the active participation of readers, and Simon takes this as an opportunity to link the narration of "synchronism" with the present social situation. In modern society, the relationship between people becomes indifferent, resulting in mutual incomprehension. Simon's innovation lies in taking the novel as a window for readers to participate and create again. Furthermore, it provides a possibility for people to communicate and communicate actively on the spiritual level.
[Abstract]:Flanders Highway is one of the masterpieces of French novel writer Claude Simon, and it is a postmodern classic work. At present, domestic scholars focus on: war, death, sexual themes, formal painting structure, Baroque structure and stream of consciousness. However, the characteristics of these themes and forms are only the explicit manifestations of the works, and the internal factors that form these characteristics are the "synchronism" of narration. Because of his own experience of war and life, Simon used "memory" as a structure in his novel, introducing film and painting techniques, collating scenes and pictures, and constantly interposing them in narratives. The combination of recollection, imagination and dreams leads to the chaos of time and space of the novel, thus showing the characteristic of "synchronism" in the narrative style. And the narration of "synchronism" in the deep sense of a living state and life experience, so that the connotation of the work has been extended. At the same time, "synchronism" replaces the traditional linear narration, resulting in confusion of narrative time, many uncertainties and lack of items in the narrative content, setting up obstacles for readers to read, and forming a kind of calling structure for readers to accept. Objectively speaking, it requires the reader to read creatively, that is, the reader should reread the novel and fill in it, which has a certain influence on the reader's reading, and further changes the reading habits and ways of modern readers. "synchronism" demands the active participation of readers, and Simon takes this as an opportunity to link the narration of "synchronism" with the present social situation. In modern society, the relationship between people becomes indifferent, resulting in mutual incomprehension. Simon's innovation lies in taking the novel as a window for readers to participate and create again. Furthermore, it provides a possibility for people to communicate and communicate actively on the spiritual level.
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3 银书瑶;;优美的转身——试用图像叙事解读《弗兰德公路》[J];湖南民族职业学院学报;2008年04期
4 张志庆;克劳德·西蒙:叙述的历险者[J];山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版);2001年02期
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6 刘成富;试论克洛德·西蒙的意识流小说[J];外国文学评论;2001年01期
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8 蹇昌槐;多媒体:《弗兰德公路》的技术美学特征[J];外国文学研究;1999年03期
9 王宝增;创作空白论[J];文艺研究;1990年01期
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1 黄萍萍;克洛德·西蒙小说中的空间形式和互文性[D];山东大学;2007年