[Abstract]:Jane Smiley is one of the most innovative and prolific female writers in contemporary America. In 1991, Smiley published his masterpiece, 1,000 acres, and won the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award in 1992. As soon as the novel was published, many scholars interpreted it from various angles. The novel depicts agricultural life in the Midwest during the Iowa Farm crisis during Reagan's reign in the 1980 s. The story tells the story of a series of events that followed the father's decision to distribute a thousand acres to his three daughters. According to the causal development of the novel, land embodies different meanings at different stages. Therefore, the paper can be divided into three parts. The first chapter mainly introduces that farmers are obsessed with land not only because land can meet the survival needs. The quantity and quality of land affect a farmer's social status, face and power. At the same time, as promised by the American Dream, farmers can create a rich, beautiful and fulfilling life through hard work. Status, rights, face, and the pursuit of the American Dream have become an internal motivation for farmers to pursue land. The land in the novel shows how farmers expand their land, improve their social status, become a qualified farmer and realize the American dream. The second chapter demonstrates that the ownership of land reflects the power relationship. Men give priority to ownership of the land to gain control. The typical division of labor principle of capitalism and the loss of ownership of means of production make women in subordinate position. Patriarchalism regards women as accessories to men. Therefore, under the dual influence of patriarchy and capitalism, women and land become the objects of occupation. Chapter three explains the tragedy caused by this crazy pursuit from three dimensions of agricultural civilization, family and individual. Farmers use chemical fertilizers, pesticides, etc. to increase productivity, so the environment continues to deteriorate; farmers also eat their own bad effects. Land severely distorts human relations, leading to the tragedy of agricultural civilization, family crisis and lasting personal trauma. Land has been fully involved in the operation of human society. The interpretation of multiple meanings of land can make the process of exerting land utility more clear to readers. At the same time, the interpretation of the multiple meaning of land can help readers to better understand the novel, while providing a new perspective and exploration direction for future research.
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