[Abstract]:Carol Qiuqi (1938 -) is a talented writer who has been active in English literature since the end of the 20th century. For the first time, she was widely known to readers and scholars, and won the first Obi-awards and "Outstanding Writers" in her writing career. It was also one of her most popular works on the stage. In this work, gender and sex are the focus. Although many scholars at home and abroad have made a great deal of research on this from the aspects of feminism, power and colonialism, their research is still confined to the text, and the works have adopted the technique of character separation. The problems of gender and sex, especially homosexuality, still lack of deep research. On the basis of predecessors, I intend to probe into the issue of homosexuality in Nine Sky from three angles: cross-casting, (doubling), and superposition at the same time. The main body of the thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is "the Gay Dilemma in characters", which explores the plight of the gay community through Betty and Edward on stage. The confrontation between male Betty and gay Harry and lesbian Ellen reveals that homosexuality is in an isolated, unsafe and shabby situation, and that they face heterosexual pressure of public opinion. Female Edward suggests that homosexuals are as powerless as women and will end up fighting against mainstream society. The second chapter is "the change of the homosexual problem under the character and the angle", through the character's angle in the work, discusses the development and change of the gay question in different period. In Act I, the lesbian Ellen and the independent Mrs. Sanders highlight the identity of homosexuals as rebels and victims in Victorian society; In contrast, Ellen and Act II lesbian Lin's corner contrasts the relaxed atmosphere of homosexuality in Britain in the 1970s. In addition, the male gay Harry in Act one and Martin in Act II also show the impact of homosexuality on heterosexual marriage and society in different periods. The third chapter is "the reflection of homosexuality under the effect of distance", which discusses the decline of heterosexuality as authority and leading from Kathy's role and angle, and puts forward to interpret the "homosexual behavior" from the angle of asexual love. The first part mainly analyzes Kathy's angle, explains the decline of heterosexual authority from three aspects of pistol, age and bullying. The second part starts with Kathy's acting, and puts forward to interpret "homosexual behavior" from the angle of asexual love.
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