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发布时间:2018-11-13 20:11
【摘要】:杰克·伦敦是19世纪末20世纪初美国社会转型时期最伟大的小说家之一,他的很多作品被列为美国文学经典。荒野是其众多小说中不可或缺的独特背景,伦敦因对荒野的精彩描写而被称为荒野作家。《荒野的呼唤》(1903)作为一部典型的荒野作品,被公认为杰克·伦敦最好的作品。批评界多从该小说中的人物形象、叙事结构、语言特色等方面展开讨论,对其荒野背景和主题意义的关注却显不足。 本文从文化批评的角度,旨在对这部小说的荒野意蕴进行解读,认为它不仅是关于狗的动物故事,更是关于生命的寓言故事。伦敦根据自己的北疆经历于20世纪之初即美国经济飞速发展,社会矛盾急剧激化的转型时期,创作了这部作品,通过一只狗的故事,象征性地表达了对处于20世纪初美国社会各阶层人民生存状况的关注以及对生命力的思考。本文结合19世纪末20世纪初的美国社会历史文化背景,以作品中的三类不同角色为切入点,探讨了生活在荒野上的三类角色各自的生存状况和命运,对作品中的荒野意蕴进行了深入的分析,挖掘出文本背后所蕴含的意识形态幻象,权力关系和对积极自由的追寻。 文章主体包含三章,首先分析了荒野对象征着外来移民的淘金人来说是虚幻的希望之地,他们受到宗教和媒体合力建构的意识形态幻象即美国梦的诱惑,,奔向荒野寻找希望最终却命丧于此。接着阐述了荒野对象征着下层人民的雪橇狗的来说意味着绝望的深渊,他们在暴力和规训的权力关系网中艰难求生,最终惨死于残酷的暴力法则和无尽的苦役之中。最后分析了荒野对象征着强者的狼群来说是欢乐的游乐场,只有强者才最终克服了“消极自由”,实现了“积极自由”,体验到生命本身的自由和野性。结论部分阐明了伦敦关于生命的思考,即强者的生存状态是生命自身迸发而出的野性的生命力。
[Abstract]:Jack London is one of the greatest novelists in the period of American social transformation in the late 19th century and early 20th century. Many of his works are classified as American literary classics. Wilderness is an indispensable and unique background in his novels. London is called a wilderness writer for its wonderful description of wilderness. Call of the Wilderness (1903), as a typical wilderness work, is recognized as Jack London's best work. Critics mainly discuss the characters, narrative structure and language characteristics of the novel, but pay less attention to its wilderness background and theme meaning. From the perspective of cultural criticism, this paper aims to interpret the wildness of this novel, which is not only the animal story of dogs, but also the fable of life. London, based on its own experience of the northern frontier at the beginning of the 20th century, a period of rapid economic growth in the United States and a period of sharp social strife, created this work through the story of a dog. It symbolically expresses the concern about the living conditions and the vitality of American people in the early 20th century. Based on the historical and cultural background of American society at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, this paper discusses the living conditions and fate of the three types of characters living in the wilderness. This paper makes a deep analysis of the meaning of wilderness in the works, and excavates the ideological illusion, the power relationship and the pursuit of positive freedom behind the text. The main body of the article consists of three chapters. Firstly, the paper analyzes that the wilderness is an unreal place of hope for the gold miners who symbolize the immigrants, and they are seduced by the ideological illusion constructed by religion and the media, that is, the American dream. Run to the wilderness for hope and die here. Then it is explained that the wilderness means the abyss of despair for the sled dogs who symbolize the underclass, who struggle to survive in the network of power relations of violence and discipline, and end up in cruel laws of violence and endless servitude. Finally, it is analyzed that the wilderness is a happy playground for the wolves who symbolize the strong. Only the strong finally overcome "negative freedom", realize "positive freedom", and experience the freedom and wildness of life itself. The conclusion illustrates London's thinking on life, that is, the living state of the strong is the wild vitality of life itself.


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