[Abstract]:The criticism of Shakespeare's plays has the tendency of taking the play as the center, which regards the drama as the study of the play, thus neglecting the characteristics of the theatre in Shakespeare's time and the viewing way of the audience. However, on the one hand, Shakespeare's plays are written for the outstretched stage theater at that time, and the play is undoubtedly theatrical; on the other hand, the theater, as a place to watch and the environment of the audience's dramatic hallucination experience, governs the way people perceive it. Therefore, starting with the unique outstretched stage theater in Shakespeare's time, this paper examines the mechanism and perception of the dramatic hallucinations of Shakespeare's audience. In the introduction part of this paper, on the basis of combing the definitions and views of Shakespeare's dramatic hallucinations, the author defines dramatic hallucinations as voluntary, true and false sensory hallucinations. It also corrects Shakespeare's play in the theatrical hallucination experience. The text is divided into four parts. The first chapter, "Theater and its relationship in Shakespeare's time", mainly analyzes the theatrical structure of the outstretched stage and three sides around the performing area in Shakespeare's time and the limited relations between the theatres and the theatrical setting. The second chapter, "Shakespeare theatre scene, the way of scene presentation and the emergence of dramatic hallucination", analyzes the presentation of theatre scenes such as "empty space", "language setting", "body scene", etc. To the greatest extent, it appeals to the audience to create dramatic situations and voluntarily experience dramatic hallucinations. In the dual-axis mode of communication between the stage and the audience, the audience watches the play with the eyes of the participants. At the same time, the unique principles of communication and emotional expression in the public life of theatres in Shakespeare's time, the characteristics of experience shared by audience groups, and the state of "threshold" all affect the formation of dramatic hallucinations. In the third chapter, "the characteristics of audience and dramatic hallucination in Shakespeare's theatrical theatre", the author analyzes the perception of audience and the characteristics of dramatic hallucination in Shakespeare's theatre. Chapter four, "the theatricality of Shakespeare's plays and the creation and maintenance of dramatic hallucinations", explores the significance of Shakespeare's language and narrative mode in the production and maintenance of dramatic hallucinations under the constraints of the relationship between theatre and performance. Rhetorical devices such as metaphor and pun promote the audience to produce dramatic hallucinations by arousing the audience's perception while Shakespeare's successive alternate narrative of scenes maintains the audience's dramatic hallucinations. Through the exploration of this paper, we find that the mechanism of Shakespeare's dramatic hallucination has its own originality in the whole pedigree of western theatrical theater. Different from the "magic change" of the ancient Greek theater and the dichotomy and silence of the mirror-framed stage theater, this kind of hallucination experience is an experience of physical and mental unity, and the way in which this hallucination is generated has the greatest impact on the imagination of the audience. A sense of engagement and exploitation of their creativity. In this kind of experience, the most active audience takes an active part in drama events and constantly generates, creates and enriches their own experience.
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