[Abstract]:It is of great significance to probe into the understanding of Gogol's works by modern Chinese critics from the perspective of reception theory. Modern Chinese critics have a unique perspective and understanding of Gogol's works "realism" and "satirical stroke". "realism" and "satire" are not only indispensable parts in Gogol's works. It also has an important and profound influence on modern China. This paper is divided into four parts. The introduction introduces the significance of the topic, combs the research status of Gogol and its works in China, and introduces the research methods and ideas of this paper. The text is divided into two chapters: the first chapter, starting with the introduction of "for life" realism and "critical" style in Gogol's works by modern Chinese critics, it expounds the understanding of Gogol's "realism" by modern Chinese critics. This kind of cognition has provided the high-quality resources for the establishment of the Chinese realistic literature view. But at the same time, modern Chinese critics are restricted by traditional national culture and aesthetic habits and neglect other contents in Gogol's works. The second chapter, starting with the introduction of the characteristics of "tearful smile" and "Disclosure" in Gogol's works by modern Chinese critics, expounds the understanding of "satirical strokes" in Gogol's works by modern Chinese critics. This understanding meets the needs of the special times, creates a new situation of modern satirical literature in China, and enriches and perfects the theory of modern satirical literature in China. The conclusion part synthetically evaluates the positive influence of "realism" and "satire" of Gogol's works in modern China, and at the same time sees the problems existing in the process of accepting Gogol's works by modern Chinese critics. It is hoped that the researchers can rediscover the aesthetic and social value of Gogol's works in the new context.
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