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发布时间:2018-11-18 15:19
【摘要】:尤金·奥尼尔的《悲悼》三部曲发表于1931年。对于这部为奥尼尔带来巨大声誉的剧作,评论界已进行过许多研究,但多数研究主要集中在该剧的悲剧主题和现代心理学在文中的运用等方面,而很少关注文本本身的结构。本文从该剧的整体叙事结构出发,尝试以文本结构的角度探析作品的悲剧主题。 论文首先分析了《悲悼》的表层叙事模式和文本整体结构,通过对文本的细读,找出其恒定的叙事模式:谋杀—追逐-复仇,并通过《悲悼》与《俄瑞斯忒亚》的叙事结构对比分析,探讨其文本结构所承载的叙事功能的古今差异:同一个叙事模式下的情节结构遵循不同的因果链,展示了作品对命运的不同思考,探讨出作品的悲剧主题已由命运悲剧转变为个体生存悲剧。论文从结构主义叙事学的角度分析了《悲悼》历来引发诟病较多的“重复叙述”问题,并探讨了“重复叙事”的结构功能,指出重复叙述并非无意义的反复,而是彰显了文本的恒定结构,赋予该悲剧主题以普适性。以表层叙事结构为基础,,论文运用结构主义文学批判中常用的“二元对立”思维模式,探讨了文本所蕴含的深层结构,探索该剧的悲剧原因和悲剧主题,揭示了对立的本质:个体非理性欲望与群体理性社会的对立。 尽管结构主义自身存在很多缺憾,但它为文本解读提供了新的视角和有益的帮助。本文希望通过对文本的细读和系统的分析,赏析作品的深刻内涵,带着不断更新的观点探索作品的不朽艺术之美。
[Abstract]:Eugene O'Neill 's mourning trilogy was published in 1931. Many researches have been carried out in the critical circle on the play which has brought O'Neill a great reputation, but most of the studies have focused on the tragic theme of the play and the application of modern psychology in the text, while little attention has been paid to the structure of the text itself. Starting from the whole narrative structure of the play, this paper tries to analyze the tragic theme of the work from the perspective of text structure. Firstly, the paper analyzes the surface narrative mode and the whole structure of the text, and finds out its constant narrative pattern: murder, chase and revenge through careful reading of the text. Through the comparative analysis of narrative structure between mourning and Orestya, this paper discusses the historical and modern differences of narrative functions carried by its text structure: the plot structure of the same narrative mode follows different causal chains. This paper shows the different thinking about fate in the works, and discusses that the tragic theme of the works has changed from the tragedy of fate to the tragedy of individual existence. From the perspective of structuralist narratology, the paper analyzes the "repeated narration" which has always been criticized, and discusses the structural function of "repetitive narrative", and points out that repeated narration is not meaningless repetition. It shows the constant structure of the text and endows the tragedy theme with universality. On the basis of the surface narrative structure, the paper discusses the deep structure of the text, explores the tragic cause and the tragic theme of the play by using the "dualistic opposites" thinking mode commonly used in the criticism of structuralist literature. It reveals the essence of antagonism: the opposition between individual irrational desire and group rational society. Although structuralism itself has many shortcomings, it provides a new perspective and useful help for text interpretation. This paper hopes to explore the beauty of immortal art through careful reading and systematic analysis of the text, appreciating the profound connotation of the works and exploring the beauty of the immortal art with a constantly updated viewpoint.


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