[Abstract]:Philip Ross is one of the most outstanding contemporary American writers. His works reveal the moral dilemma faced by contemporary Americans through the description of contemporary American society illusory and reality and its unique writing style. Ross is also regarded as the most controversial writer in contemporary American literature because of his early works about the private life of American Jews. Since 2005, Philip Ross has been a prolific writer whose complete works have been included in the National Library. Not only that, as a heavyweight and highly controversial writer in the United States, Ross has successively won various international and domestic literary awards, including the National Book Award, the National Book critics Award, the Faulkner Award, the Pulitzer Prize. And the French Foreign Book Award. The uncleanness of Human Nature, a novel published in 2000, is associated with American Shepherd. "I married a Communist" together called the "American problem novel" trilogy. "Human nature's filth" reveals the stain of contemporary American humanity through the story of a black American changing his identity as a Jew. Silke, the protagonist of the novel, transcends his identity from black to white, from being accepted as a white by white mainstream culture, to being rejected by white society in the end. And killed in a car accident orchestrated by a white veteran, we see the image of a madman in what Foucault describes as a madhouse. Philip Ross shows the power relationship between Silke and other characters from different angles, depicts the image of "madman" of different social groups, and shows the disillusionment of different social groups in contemporary American society. In particular, through Silke's experience from being "excluded" to "accepting" and being "excluded" by the mainstream culture of the United States, and the portrayal of the oppression of black Americans by the upper white society of the United States and the resistance of black Americans to oppression, It reveals the plight of contemporary black American life and the disillusionment of American Dream.
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