[Abstract]:Raymond Carver is one of the most influential short story writers in America in the 20 th century, specializing in writing about the average life of middle-and lower-class blue-collar workers. This article will start with three images related to sleep, such as drowsiness and napping, insomnia and dreaming, and interpret Carver's works to reveal how Carver expresses the living state, loneliness and helplessness of the characters in his works through sleep. Anxiety and confusion, as well as the art of expression used in the description of sleep. This paper is divided into four chapters: the first chapter analyzes the images of "drowsiness and napping" in "soft Box" and "Fresh-keeping". In the novel, Carver portrays a kind of drowsy, reluctant person. Facing the cruel reality, they lost their fighting spirit and became desperate. They choose to shut themselves up, do not communicate with the outside world, and eventually fall into a muddled state of sleep. "Sleep" is not only a barrier for the characters to isolate themselves from the outside world, but also a process in which the characters gradually lose their personality, which reflects the life attitude of the characters. The second chapter shows the use of the image of insomnia in the "wife of the student" and "belly soup". Carver wrote about a class of sleepless people who suffer from life or emotional problems, who suffer from no one to talk to, communicate, and whose spirits are on the verge of collapse until they lose sleep. "Sleep" is a part of an orderly life, while "insomnia" is a sign of disorder and discomfort in life, but in this experience, characters can keep "awake" rather than the state of ignorance and inaction in sleep. In the end, you can have insight and get an epiphany. The third chapter interprets the image of dream through elephant and firewood. Whether it is a nightmare or a good dream, most of Carver's characters are awakened and the life after waking up is more helpless. This fits in with Carver's definition of "dream": a dream is something that awakens from it. Such dreams reveal the depletion of material, but also reveal the meaningless life and dream can not be realized. The fourth chapter examines the background of Carver's creation, the reflection of his works on Sleep to the social problems of the United States at that time, and the influence of his works on other writers.
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