[Abstract]:Toni Morrison (1931 -) is a representative of postmodern American writers and the first black American writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature. Her work not only shows the part of the past that whites and blacks do not want to face, but also jumps out of the traditional framework of black novels. The Song of Solomon (1977) is her third novel, which is more mature in writing style and content than in the first two novels. The study of this novel is mostly from the perspectives of black culture, tradition and feminism. The purpose of this paper is to reveal the changes in the spirit of the Macon family between four generations and the efforts of African Americans in race, individual and cultural identity in Song of Solomon, using Farnon's post-colonial psychological analysis. In order to truly get out of self-colonization, the spirit of complete liberation. This paper is divided into three parts. The first part is an introduction, which briefly introduces Toni Morrison's life and literary achievements as well as the influence of her personal experience on her creative ideas and artistic outlook, and introduces the outline of the story of Song of Solomon. This paper reviews the current situation of criticism of this work at home and abroad. The first to fifth chapters are the main part of this paper. The first chapter briefly introduces the post-colonial theory system and explains the self-colonial complex put forward by Farnon. The tragic social situation of Toni Morrison's contemporary black people and the double mistreatment of the black spirit and body in Song of Solomon all contain profound post-colonial consciousness, and only through decolonization can these shadows be really removed. Chapter two selects the first three generations of the Macon family to demonstrate the black self-colonization consciousness. In the post-colonial period, although the colonial people were physically liberated, they left the shadow of colonization psychologically. The third chapter, the fourth chapter and the fifth chapter discuss respectively from the racial identity, the individual identity and the cultural identity, and selects the next two generations of fate of the Macon family to prove the efforts of the black people to solve the colonization. Based on the analysis of the fate of different generations of the Macon family, the conclusion is drawn. The different generations of the Macon family had such different destinies because the latter two generations recognized their racial identity and identity in the black community and regained the ancient African cultural traditions. Only by reconstructing the black identity in these aspects, can the black people truly decolonize and get rid of the "self-colonization" completely.
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