[Abstract]:The gender difference of language is an important part of the study of sociolinguistics, and it is concerned at home and abroad. As a branch of linguistics, pragmatics is the main study of the significance of the use of language, that is, how the language meaning in a specific context is generated and understood, and how to choose the correct language form and language strategy in the communication. In recent years, with the research scope, object and method of these two subjects, the dynamic development of objects and methods, in particular the combination of pragmatics and sociolinguistics, is also concerned by the analysis of language gender differences. However, using the theory of pragmatics to analyze the gender difference in the drama dialogue is still a new attempt. This paper uses the principle of Gales' cooperation in pragmatics, the politeness principle of Liqi, and the face protection theory of Brown and Levenson. Based on the research results of the above-mentioned theories, the author selected 17 male and female dialogues from the drama, and adopted a qualitative research method, which mainly analyzes the differences in the observance, the violation or the use of the above-mentioned principles in the conversation of the men and women. and try to analyze the cause of the difference The study found that male and female in the play
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