[Abstract]:Sponsored by the Chinese Society of World Chinese Literature, The "Chinese Literature and Chinese Dream Writing" Colloquium organized by the Taiwan, Hong Kong and overseas Chinese Literature Research Association of Jiangsu Province and the Preparatory meeting of the 18th World Conference on Chinese Literature and Literature, organized by the School of Arts of Jiangsu normal University, It was held at Jiangsu normal University from April 23 to 25, 2014. The main topic of the conference was to discuss Chinese literature and Chinese Dream's writing, and to discuss the preparations for the first world conference on Chinese literature and the 18th symposium on Chinese literature. At 08:30 on April 24, the conference was held in Jiangsu province
【作者单位】: 暨南大学中外关系研究所;暨南大学广东省人文社科重点基地"海外华文文学与华语传媒研究中心";中国矿业大学文学与法政学院;
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