[Abstract]:This paper mainly discusses the causes and processes of the awakening of the self-identity consciousness of black American women influenced by the civil rights movement and the second feminist movement during the 1960s and 1980s. Black women in the United States on the one hand as a minority group from white racial discrimination on the other hand similar to white women in this patriarchal society suffered from male oppression. This oppression comes not only from white men, but also from black men. The civil rights movement served as a point of time for black women to realize the importance of racial struggle, and under the influence of the feminist movement, black women also realized that they and white women were not only different in race, There are more class differences between them and the relationship between oppression and oppression. In the process of constantly fighting against racial discrimination, gender oppression and class oppression, American black women have a clear understanding of their multiple identities. This paper will analyze the multiple identities of black American women from the perspectives of race, gender and class, and the activities they take to fight for more rights and freedoms when the identity consciousness is awakened.
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