[Abstract]:The issue of the rights and status of Arab women in the current wave of democratization is a matter of concern. On the whole, there are a large number of papers concerning Arab women, but there are no papers to discuss the Arab female consciousness in Jiberlain's literary creation. His literary creation is an important milestone in modern Arab literature. Influenced by his experience in the United States, he has been trying to get rid of the fetters of the deep-rooted sense of inferiority and superiority of men and women in the traditional Arab world. In the context of Arab patriarchal culture, he broke through the narrow patriarchal tradition and the main limitations of male gender culture, broke the thinking pattern of the dual opposition between the sexes, and subverted the weak expression of the female characteristics in the Arab traditional culture. It has created a strong symbolic female image with independent self-examination consciousness. He focuses on women's love, marital life and their spiritual world. The Arab women in his works not only can soberly realize their living situation, but also yearn for free love and their own marriage. They are full of the power to fight against male power, they no longer want to be the "mute lambs" of male domination. At the same time, Jiberlain sought the way of liberation for Arab women unswervingly: the salvation of Ashtaru's Love and Beauty or masturbation in the spirit of Christ's crucifixion, as well as firmly going to the road of anti-oppression after accepting Nietzsche's philosophy. All of these, for the Arab women's liberation on a strong painting. This thesis is divided into seven parts: introduction, first, second, third, fourth, fifth and conclusion. The introduction mainly introduces the writing history, the present situation of domestic and foreign research, the writing angle of the thesis and the research method. The first chapter mainly uses Foucault's theory of discourse power mechanics to analyze the Arab women's control over the autonomous power of discourse, which is the awakening of female consciousness. The second chapter mainly discusses the breakthrough of Kiberlain's "subordinate" status of Arab women, the position of equality between women and men is the cornerstone of women's access to other power. On the basis of equal status of men and women, the third chapter discusses the beneficial nature of the exchange of spiritual equality between men and women, and analyzes the rich spiritual connotation of Arab women. Chapter four discusses the Arab women's pursuit of love and marriage autonomy, which is a direct challenge to the trite society and the deepening of women's self-consciousness. The fifth chapter expounds Jiberon's exploration of Arab women's liberation, which elevates women's liberation to the height of national liberation.
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