[Abstract]:In view of some pessimistic arguments popular in the literary theory of the East and the West, the author holds that although the "golden age" of literary and cultural theories has passed, the theory itself has not died. We are in a post-theoretical era, in which the function of theory is no longer omnipotent and omnipresent as it used to be, but limited. The rise of the so-called "post-humanism" theory in the western world in recent ten years shows that not only the function of the theory itself has its limitations, but also the role of the people who produce these theories has some limitations. The purpose of post-humanism is to show that, in modern times, human beings, like animals and plants with the same life, are only one of the things in nature, and their survival and development are to a large extent restricted by the laws of nature. Without this, we cannot reasonably and effectively develop ourselves. Post-humanism is accompanied by the crisis of humanism, which means that the period of humanism, which overemphasizes the role of human beings, has come to an end, and human beings have entered a post-human stage. In such a "post-human" stage, man is not the only rational creature in the universe, even on earth, not the leader of all kinds of species, but the highest degree of human evolution, and therefore the most rational characteristics. In addition, man is the most imaginative. He can create miracles, even things that he can't handle. The appearance of post-humanism also indicates the development direction of literary theory in the future.
【作者单位】: 清华大学外国语言文学系;
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