[Abstract]:Proust, as a great writer and full of mystery in the history of literature in the 20th century, was the one who returned to the lost time with a book reminiscent of the years of Water, and at the same time gave the last innovation in the history of literature with a special style of writing. And the secret of innovation in his writing is usually hidden in his work. The aim is to decrypt the writer through a study of the development of his work, centered on his unpublished work, the Saint Berf. This anthology is not only regarded as a concentrated edition of reminiscent, but also an important literary review of his contemporaries. It is filled with his aesthetic theory and research on writing problems, based on the intertextuality of modern literary theories. This paper studies the process of Proust from reading to writing, from imitation to originality, so as to probe into one aspect of Proust's creation that can not be ignored. In the first chapter, the intertextuality theory is described in detail, genetic criticism and intertextuality theory are distinguished, and Genette's concept of hypertextuality is analyzed in detail. The second part is the research on the development of the text of "Barge Saint Berf", through the analysis of the process from reading to writing in Proust's creation, this paper expounds the hidden creative technique of imitating. By combining his ability to imitate with his ability to grasp similarity, Proust laid the foundation for his aesthetic view, and made the imitation process an essential stage of innovation, thus obtaining the originality of the text. The third chapter discusses the influence of the implicit application of Proust's intertextuality theory on literature and art.
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