[Abstract]:As the ninth novel by black American writer Tony Morrison, Mercy, set against a farm in North America in the 1780s, tells about the unfortunate experiences and complex emotions of various characters. It reveals the damage caused by slavery in the early colonial period of North America and the spiritual enslavement of white liberals. The narrative techniques in Morrison's novels have always been the focus of academic attention. This paper attempts to explore the narrative techniques in mercy from three aspects: narrative perspective, unreliable narrative and spatial narrative. First of all, this paper discusses how Morrison adjusts the distance between readers, characters and narrators through the transformation of narrative perspective from the perspective of narration. Secondly, through the application of James Ferren's unreliable narrative theory, this paper probes into the unreliable narration of Fr Lawrence, explores the reasons for its unreliable narration and the rhetorical effect of using this narrative technique. Finally, according to Gabriel Zoran's spatial narrative theory, this paper analyzes the spatial narrative art of mercy from three aspects: the geodetic space, the social space and the textual space, and reveals that the enslavement system is at the same time seriously maiming all kinds of slaves. It also led some whites to be lost in their quest for wealth. Through the use of narrative perspective, unreliable narrative and spatial narrative techniques, Morrison gained the discourse authority to solve the dilemma faced by human beings. These three narrative techniques play an important role in the character description and theme expression of mercy. Through the text analysis, this paper reveals that Morrison's thought transcends the limitation of race, and shows her deep insight into history, society and humanity.
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