[Abstract]:Tragedy in America is one of the masterpieces of modern American novels. This work became a famous work in the American literary world from the original "forbidden book" in the United States, and Dreiser became famous in the American literary world. "born son" is a realistic work of black American writer Wright. It represents the highest achievement of the Harlem Renaissance, also known as a declaration for the rights and interests of blacks. The tragedy of life experienced by Clyde and Berger, the protagonists of the two novels, can be regarded as a combination of their own character defects and social environment to some extent. In the process of writing, this paper uses the method of literature, example analysis, comparative analysis and induction, and analyzes the ego, self and superego of the two protagonists with Freud's psychoanalysis theory of "three personality structures". On this basis, this paper attempts to make a comparative study of the two characters and draw the corresponding conclusions. The author hopes that while comparing and explaining the two characters from a new point of view, the author hopes to give readers some enlightenment on how to correctly pursue their dreams.
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