[Abstract]:Lu Hong, a writer in the United States, pays attention to showing the general situation and deep exploration of the fate of overseas vagrants. Her novel "American Lover" is a work with profound connotation, which shows the hardship and struggle of new immigrants in foreign countries, and places philosophical thinking in the process of describing the dream of immigrants. The collection of short and medium novels, Langui Square, is exquisite in conception, open up in subject matter, and uses the flow of consciousness of Neo-sensualism and the interlaced technique of time and space to write not only the cultural differences between China and the West, but also the imprints left by the social changes after the Cultural Revolution on that generation. Lu Hong's works embody the distinct female consciousness, write the female diversified self-experience from the female angle of view and the psychological course, and increase the sense of gravity and seriousness of his works by revealing human nature.
【作者单位】: 德州学院中文系;
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