发布时间:2017-04-05 18:13
【摘要】:本文将探究译者文化观对文学翻译的影响作用,总结国内外理论对这方面问题的已有成果并提出新的论点,宏观研究与微观分析结合,纯理论和实证研究结合,进一步体现翻译研究的跨学科特色以及多元维度的价值取向。译者的价值观尤其是文化观影响其翻译的选择、具体策略乃至整个文学系统,译者世界与文本世界产生了交流冲突,其影响意义是复杂和多维的。通过对译本的选择、生产、传播、操纵的总体性研究,本研究阐述译者主体对文本的选择、翻译的理论依据与现实策略。本文将从个体与主体性角度、他者与自我阻抗角度以及接受与平衡角度等三个方面进行考察和评析,探究语言文本的差异和特色,同时关注译者个体与权力话语、规范、意识形态等深层次因素的复杂语境,力图剖析和展现翻译背后蕴藏的政治、文化、社会力量。考察译者文化观对文学翻译的影响,必须将复杂的关系网络与译者个人的价值观念相结合,更全面地挖掘译本生产与传播的影响因素,论证译者的文化观对文学翻译的重要作用。 基于对现有红译研究的总结,本文做出了一系列的反思,包括杨宪益翻译思想的具体表现,是否直译抑或其他?杨宪益是否有如研究者所言受出版社控制?杨宪益本人究竟发挥了怎样的主体性以及阻抗性策略?通过分析杨宪益的个人资料,包括杨宪益的自传、文学评论、采访、书信等文字资料,以及译作的部分序言等、其他学者的著述和评论,借此来总结杨宪益的文化观,分析杨宪益对于中国古典文学作品的态度和立场,分析译者的个人思想与价值观,进一步以实例的形式回答本文提出的反思。以杨宪益英译《红楼梦》为具体案例,同时也将其他译作纳入考察的范围以作对比论述,如霍克思英译《红楼梦》等等,探究语言文字背后的深刻含义,包括原语及译语的文化与文学系统,以及译者的思想价值观。不仅分析文本和语言,更是对文本背后的译者世界进行全面剖析,阐述译者世界与文本世界的交互作用,同时对于下一步研究杨宪益英译中国古典作品以及中国文化走出去有启发意义。
- Acknowledgements4-5
- 摘要5-6
- Abstract6-10
- Introduction10-12
- Chapter One Literature Review12-19
- 1.1 Studies of Translator’s Subjectivity12-13
- 1.2 Studies of Yang Xianyi and His Translation13-15
- 1.3 General Description of the Study15-19
- 1.3.1 Main Points of the Study15-16
- 1.3.2 Approaches of the Study16-17
- 1.3.3 Significance of the Study17-19
- Chapter Two Impact of Translator’s Cultural Outlook on Literary Translation19-32
- 2.1 Translator and Literary Translation19-26
- 2.1.1 Translator’s Mother-tongue Culture and the Influence on Translation20-22
- 2.1.2 Translator’s Attitude towards Source and Target Cultures22-23
- 2.1.3 Subjectivity of Translator; Inter-subjectivity of Translation Participators23-26
- 2.2 Yang Xianyi’s Life Experiences and Translated Works26-32
- 2.2.1 Cultivation of Chinese and Experiences at Abroad26-28
- 2.2.2 Yang’s Passion for Chinese Culture and Comparative Insight28-29
- 2.2.3 Yang’s Translation of Western and Ancient Chinese Literatures29-32
- Chapter Three Individuality and Subjectivity: Self-Scanning; Other-Recomposing32-42
- 3.1 Translator as Actor: Yang Xianyi’s Cultural Outlook and His Translation32-39
- 3.1.1 Capability of Translation and Transporting Cultures33-34
- 3.1.2 Translation Choice: Self-interest or Not?34-36
- 3.1.3 Translation Ideology: Fidelity or Not?36-38
- 3.1.4 Translation Strategy: Literal or Not?38-39
- 3.2 Other as Supervisor: Press, Patronage and Recomposing39-40
- 3.3 Literary Text as Object: Hong Lou Meng40-42
- 3.3.1 Type or Style of the Text40-41
- 3.3.2 Characteristics of the Text41-42
- Chapter Four Otherness and Self-Resistance: Space of Yang Xianyi’s Subjectivity42-52
- 4.1 Power and Discourse42-46
- 4.1.1 Power of Discourse and Literary Translation42-44
- 4.1.2 Yang Xianyi and the Discourse of that Time44-46
- 4.2 Ideology: Norm and Ethnics in the Time of Yang Xianyi46-50
- 4.2.1 Norm and Regulations of That Time46-47
- 4.2.2 Translation Strategy within Ideology47-50
- 4.3 Ups and Downs of Translator: Some Reflections50-52
- Chapter Five Reception and Rebalancing: Export and Spread of Yang’s Version52-66
- 5.1 Translator and Culture: Ideology and Strategy53-57
- 5.2 Reception and Resistance57-61
- 5.2.1 Target Reader of Yang’s Version: Intended or Unintended?57-59
- 5.2.2 Translator’s Efforts and Effects: Yang’s Rebalance59-60
- 5.2.3 The Tide of the Times in Yang’s Period60-61
- 5.3 Exporting Chinese Culture to the World: Yang’s or Else?61-66
- 5.3.1 Need and Function61-62
- 5.3.2 Translation of Ancient Chinese Works: Orientalism or Self-Orientalism?62-63
- 5.3.3 Recommended Approaches to Ancient Chinese Works Translation63-66
- Conclusions66-70
- Bibliography70-73
中国期刊全文数据库 前3条
1 李晶;;南京访杨苡——忆杨宪益先生[J];外国文学;2010年02期
2 任生名;;杨宪益的文学翻译思想散记[J];中国翻译;1993年04期
3 查明建,田雨;论译者主体性——从译者文化地位的边缘化谈起[J];中国翻译;2003年01期