发布时间:2023-04-09 01:41
主位和主位推进模式理论是利用系统功能语法进行语篇分析不可或缺的理论依据。在任何语篇中,每个句子都可以划分为主位、述位或主位部分、述位部分。语篇中前后句子的主位和述位之间会发生某种联系和变化,形成主位推进,从而构成连贯的语篇。可见分析连贯语篇的小句主位所构成的主位结构以及推进模式可以迅速且准确地把握作者的思路,同时语篇中的小句主位的发展可以帮助建立这个语篇的语篇体裁地位。 鉴于以上认识,本文从属于童话体裁的《安徒生童话全集》中选取了安徒生全部童话的163个开头自然段(全部为164篇,其中一篇没有英译本),尝试利用主位及主位推进模式理论对所截语篇进行分析。 在对长短不一的语篇进行逐个分析的过程中,不仅实现了对较长语篇的主述位及主位推进模式的分析,分析结果也说明了主位组织不仅存在于小句层上,在段落甚至篇章层次上也存在类似于小句中主位与述位的现象。这样分析有利于从宏观和微观两方面把握文章的组织结构和展开方式。论文第三章通过列举具体实例对单个语篇进行分析。 作者在第四章对163个语篇的分析结果进行了统计,描述和解释。主位的分类以韩礼德理论为依据,主位分类和统计结果用表格陈述。统计结果表明安徒生童...
【文章页数】:105 页
Abstract (English)
Abstract (Chinese)
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Theory of Theme and Rheme
2.1 Theme Theory
2.1.1 Theme and Rheme
2.1.2 Types and function of Theme
2.2 Theory of Thematic Progression
2.2.1 The definition of thematic progression
2.2.2 Thematic progression abroad
2.2.3 Thematic progression in China
Chapter 3 Process Analysis of Theme and Thematic Progression
3.1 Data Sampling
3.1.1 The selection of texts
3.1.2 The relationship between texts and theory
3.2 Illustration of Theme Research through instances
3.2.1 The Themes in the text of Little Tuk
3.2.2 The Themes and their classification in the text of The Little Match Girl
3.2.3 The Themes and their classification in the text of There is a Difference
3.2.4 The Themes and their classification in the text of The Neighboring Family
3.3 The study of thematic progression in selected texts
3.3.1 The TP model analysis of The Shepherdess and the Chimney- Sweeper
3.3.2 The TP model in the text of The Ice Maiden
3.3.3 The TP model in the text of Holger the Dane
Chapter 4 Presentation of Findings in Statistics
4.1 The statistical result of Theme Types in Andersen's fairytales
4.2 The condition of thematic markedness in the selected texts
4.3 TP patterns in Andersen's fairytales
Chapter 5 Conclusion
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ
【文章页数】:105 页
Abstract (English)
Abstract (Chinese)
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Theory of Theme and Rheme
2.1 Theme Theory
2.1.1 Theme and Rheme
2.1.2 Types and function of Theme
2.2 Theory of Thematic Progression
2.2.1 The definition of thematic progression
2.2.2 Thematic progression abroad
2.2.3 Thematic progression in China
Chapter 3 Process Analysis of Theme and Thematic Progression
3.1 Data Sampling
3.1.1 The selection of texts
3.1.2 The relationship between texts and theory
3.2 Illustration of Theme Research through instances
3.2.1 The Themes in the text of Little Tuk
3.2.2 The Themes and their classification in the text of The Little Match Girl
3.2.3 The Themes and their classification in the text of There is a Difference
3.2.4 The Themes and their classification in the text of The Neighboring Family
3.3 The study of thematic progression in selected texts
3.3.1 The TP model analysis of The Shepherdess and the Chimney- Sweeper
3.3.2 The TP model in the text of The Ice Maiden
3.3.3 The TP model in the text of Holger the Dane
Chapter 4 Presentation of Findings in Statistics
4.1 The statistical result of Theme Types in Andersen's fairytales
4.2 The condition of thematic markedness in the selected texts
4.3 TP patterns in Andersen's fairytales
Chapter 5 Conclusion
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ