发布时间:2023-04-09 15:57
美国著名华裔女作家谭恩美,其作品以亲身体验移民社会中母女、姐妹之间由于代沟、文化背景和价值观等不同而引起的复杂感情为创作基础,让读者有机会了解中国传统文化与美国文化。《喜福会》是谭恩美的第一部长篇小说,也是她的成名作,该书一经出版便为她赢得了巨大的荣誉。 《喜福会》中四对母女,分别从中国文化的角度和美国文化的角度表现出强烈的民族中心情感。民族/群体中心主义,是指某个民族或群体把自己当作世界的中心,认为自己的文化优于其他文化,并把本民族的文化当作对待其他民族的参照系;它以自己的文化标准来衡量其他民族的行为,并把自己与其他文化隔离开来。小说中母女双方的误解、冲突及母女关系正是由民族/群体中心主义情感造成的。 本文分析了母女双方民族/群体中心主义情感的文化背景、表现形式及其所造成的影响。母亲以中国文化为骄傲,希望女儿能继承中国传统文化,并用中国方式培养和关心女儿。然而,女儿对中国文化一无所知,对自己母亲的做法无法理解,她们为自身的中国特征感到不满,并用美国式思维和标准观察及评价事物。母女双方的民族/群体中心主义情感导致了母女间的误解及冲突。母女间的冲突实质上是中美文化的冲突。 民族/群体中心...
【文章页数】:53 页
Abstract in English
Abstract in Chinese
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Introduction to the author
1.2 Introduction to the novel
1.3 The problem
1.4 The significance of the study
Chapter Two Literature Review
Chapter Three Intercultural Communication and Ethnocentrism
3.1 Intercultural communication
3.2 Ethnocentrism
3.2.1 Defining the term
3.2.2 Manifestation of ethnocentrism
3.3 Impact of ethnocentrism
3.3.1 Negative impact
3.3.2 Positive impact
3.4 The attitude of ethnocentrism
Chapter Four Discussion
4.1 Mother's ethnocentric feeling
4.1.1 Introduction
4.1.2 The cultural background of mothers' ethnocentric feeling
4.1.3 Manifestation of mothers' ethnocentric feeling
4.1.4 Summary
4.2 Daughter's ethnocentric feeling
4.2.1 Introduction
4.2.2 The cultural background of daughters' ethnocentric feeling
4.2.3 Manifestation of daughters' ethnocentric feeling
4.2.4 Summary
4.3 Assumptions caused by both mothers' and daughters' ethnocentric feelings
4.4 The negative impact of ethnocentrism
4.4.1 Introduction
4.4.2 A sense of narrow minded
4.4.3 Misunderstandings and conflicts
4.4.4 Summary
4.5 The process of understanding
Chapter Five Conclusion
【文章页数】:53 页
Abstract in English
Abstract in Chinese
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Introduction to the author
1.2 Introduction to the novel
1.3 The problem
1.4 The significance of the study
Chapter Two Literature Review
Chapter Three Intercultural Communication and Ethnocentrism
3.1 Intercultural communication
3.2 Ethnocentrism
3.2.1 Defining the term
3.2.2 Manifestation of ethnocentrism
3.3 Impact of ethnocentrism
3.3.1 Negative impact
3.3.2 Positive impact
3.4 The attitude of ethnocentrism
Chapter Four Discussion
4.1 Mother's ethnocentric feeling
4.1.1 Introduction
4.1.2 The cultural background of mothers' ethnocentric feeling
4.1.3 Manifestation of mothers' ethnocentric feeling
4.1.4 Summary
4.2 Daughter's ethnocentric feeling
4.2.1 Introduction
4.2.2 The cultural background of daughters' ethnocentric feeling
4.2.3 Manifestation of daughters' ethnocentric feeling
4.2.4 Summary
4.3 Assumptions caused by both mothers' and daughters' ethnocentric feelings
4.4 The negative impact of ethnocentrism
4.4.1 Introduction
4.4.2 A sense of narrow minded
4.4.3 Misunderstandings and conflicts
4.4.4 Summary
4.5 The process of understanding
Chapter Five Conclusion