发布时间:2024-04-07 22:44
许多评论家,如彼得·李斯卡和霍华德·雷文特,认为约翰·斯坦贝克的《伊甸之东》是成功的失败之作。这些评论家指出,尽管斯坦贝克的写作技法已经表现成熟,但在这部小说中仍然存在缺憾。在这些评论家的众多研究中,霍华德·雷文特的研究最为引人注目。这位评论家认为斯坦贝克在掌握结构与素材上仍有不足。他从《伊甸之东》的叙事方法、角色塑造、小说结构、主题设计以及小说基调等方面出发来证明这一观点。然而,雷文特的研究,相对而言,比较宽泛。而本文则集中探讨分析了《伊甸之东》这部小说的主题设计。 本文认为,《伊甸之东》的主题是颂扬人类的自由意志。斯坦贝克利用圣经里该隐和亚伯的故事来阐释人性。他认为人是善与恶的结合体。他指出,人类能够自由地选择从善或者从恶。斯坦贝克通过以下三种方法表达了这一主题:一是重新定义希伯来文“timshel”;二是借叙事者“我”进行声明;三是在主角及其原型之间进行对比。首先,斯坦贝克把“timshel”定义为“你能”。这种定义赋予了人类选择的权利。其次,通过叙事者“我”的声明,斯坦贝克向读者阐述了人类自由意志的重要性。再次,斯坦贝克用该隐和亚伯作为小说中主角的原型,来证明人类可以自由选择从...
【文章页数】:69 页
Chapter One The Thematic Design of East of Eden
1.1 Steinbeck's New Definition of " Timshel"
1.2 The Statement of the Narrator "I"
1.2.1 The Descriptions of Natural Scenery
1.2.2 The Roles of the Narrator "I"
1.3 Making Contrasts
1.3.1 Contrast between Adam Trask and Abel
1.3.2 Adam Trask--Another "Cain" in Life
1.3.3 Contrast between Aron and Caleb
Chapter Two Ambiguity in Plot, Characterization and Thematic Development
2.1 Plots as Nonsense
2.2 Characters against the Theme
2.2.1 Contradictions between Cathy and the Theme
2.2.2 Lee and Samuel Hamilton
Chapter Three Inconsistent Tones of East of Eden
3.1 The Tendency of Determinism against the Theme
3.1.1 Evil, Descending from Cain
3.1.2 Evil, Determined by Blood
3.2 Steinbeck's Pessimistic Prophesy of the Trasks
3.3 From Optimism to Pessimism
Works Cited
【文章页数】:69 页
Chapter One The Thematic Design of East of Eden
1.1 Steinbeck's New Definition of " Timshel"
1.2 The Statement of the Narrator "I"
1.2.1 The Descriptions of Natural Scenery
1.2.2 The Roles of the Narrator "I"
1.3 Making Contrasts
1.3.1 Contrast between Adam Trask and Abel
1.3.2 Adam Trask--Another "Cain" in Life
1.3.3 Contrast between Aron and Caleb
Chapter Two Ambiguity in Plot, Characterization and Thematic Development
2.1 Plots as Nonsense
2.2 Characters against the Theme
2.2.1 Contradictions between Cathy and the Theme
2.2.2 Lee and Samuel Hamilton
Chapter Three Inconsistent Tones of East of Eden
3.1 The Tendency of Determinism against the Theme
3.1.1 Evil, Descending from Cain
3.1.2 Evil, Determined by Blood
3.2 Steinbeck's Pessimistic Prophesy of the Trasks
3.3 From Optimism to Pessimism
Works Cited