发布时间:2024-04-08 18:37
1961年出版的《第二十二条军规》是美国当代著名小说之一。在美国现代文学史上,约瑟夫·海勒的《第二十二条军规》有其特殊的地位。第二次世界大战之后,随着一批杰出的现代主义大师的相继去世或引退,美国现代主义逐渐步入低潮。《第二十二条军规》的问世不仅使现代主义文学摆脱了止步不前的困境,也标志着美国现代主义的一个重要突破。表面上看来是一部关于“战争”的小说,但实际上《第二十二条军规》并没有具体描述战争。海勒借助虚构的皮亚诺萨小岛为舞台,以第二次世界大战期间美军某飞行大队里发生的一系列荒谬的事件为内容,将他眼中的美国社会展现在读者的面前。 二元对立是结构主义的主要分析手段,托多洛夫认为,人物相当于名词,特征表现为形容词,动作则是动词,从而,小说中所有的行为的因素及支撑结构都可以被检测。在《第二十二条军规》中,我们不难发现诸如军官和宗教、约瑟林和宗教、牧师和宗教之间的种种矛盾对立。 本文从海勒的生平和创作生涯中寻找其宗教信仰,继而对《第二十二条军规》中的宗教因素进行详细地分析,我们认为海勒的宗教矛盾观主要通过小说中人物的不稳定信仰表现出来的,而这正是二战以后美国当代民众的普遍宗教心理。 作为“六十...
【文章页数】:54 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Joseph Heller and Catch-22
1.2 Literature Review
1.3 Motive for This Thesis
Chapter Two Structuralism and Structuralist Literary Criticism
2.1 The Theory of Structuralism
2.2 The Principle of Binary Oppositions
2.2.1 The Theory of Greimas on Semantics
2.2.2 The Theory of Todorov on Syntactics
Chapter Three An Introduction to Religions
3.1 The Brief History of Religions
3.1.1 The Evolution of Religions
3.1.2 A Brief Account of Christianity in Europe and America
3.2 Religion and Society
3.3 Religion and Individual
Chapter Four Religious Features in Catch-22
4.1 The Post-war American Social Context
4.2 Heller’s Religious Vision
4.3 Different Binary Oppositions in Catch-22
4.3.1 Officials and Religion
4.3.2 Yossorian and Religion
4.3.3 The Chaplain and Religion
4.4 Trying to Shake Off the Dilemmas
4.4.1 The Lost of Faith --- Escape
4.4.2 Persistence in Religious Belief
Chapter Five Conclusion
Works Cited
附: 本人在读期间发表科研论文及获奖情况一览表
【文章页数】:54 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Joseph Heller and Catch-22
1.2 Literature Review
1.3 Motive for This Thesis
Chapter Two Structuralism and Structuralist Literary Criticism
2.1 The Theory of Structuralism
2.2 The Principle of Binary Oppositions
2.2.1 The Theory of Greimas on Semantics
2.2.2 The Theory of Todorov on Syntactics
Chapter Three An Introduction to Religions
3.1 The Brief History of Religions
3.1.1 The Evolution of Religions
3.1.2 A Brief Account of Christianity in Europe and America
3.2 Religion and Society
3.3 Religion and Individual
Chapter Four Religious Features in Catch-22
4.1 The Post-war American Social Context
4.2 Heller’s Religious Vision
4.3 Different Binary Oppositions in Catch-22
4.3.1 Officials and Religion
4.3.2 Yossorian and Religion
4.3.3 The Chaplain and Religion
4.4 Trying to Shake Off the Dilemmas
4.4.1 The Lost of Faith --- Escape
4.4.2 Persistence in Religious Belief
Chapter Five Conclusion
Works Cited
附: 本人在读期间发表科研论文及获奖情况一览表