发布时间:2024-04-09 03:34
在叙事学研究领域,不可靠叙述者在小说这种文学样式中的作用是近年来国内外学者的研究热点之一。在这些研究中多以梳理有关不可靠叙述者的理论发展脉络和归纳不可靠叙述者类型为侧重点,而不可靠叙述者对于具体作品建构意义的研究却相对少见。本文正是从后一个角度,即不可靠叙述者的经典理论出发,探讨在福克纳代表作品《喧嚣与骚动》中不可靠叙述者的不可或缺性。本文的研究方法是以叙事学领域的权威学者布斯和费伦的理论为依托,以该小说中的主要人物班吉、昆丁、杰生作为研究对象,以形象刻画、主题体现、美学价值等三个角度作为研究角度,论证不可靠叙述者对于该作品的关键性作用。通过以上研究,本文得出的结论是不可靠叙述者作为一种有效的叙事手段,充分地体现了福克纳创作《喧嚣与骚动》的意图,即通过再现同一客观世界在不同的主观世界中的差异性,揭示现代生活的混乱性本质。 本文共分五章。第一章为引言,主要介绍国内外不可靠叙述者的研究现状以及本文的研究目的和意义;第二章为理论基础构建,介绍布斯关于不可靠叙述者的经典定义和费伦的三个判定标准;第三章以布斯和费伦的理论为参照,归纳不可靠叙述者在小说这种叙事样式中的表现与功能;第四章深入研究福克...
【文章页数】:66 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Unreliable Narrator as a Narrative Technique
2.1 Unreliable Narrator by Wayne C. Booth
2.1.1 Booth’s Definition of Unreliable Narrator
2.1.2 Application of Booth’s Theory
2.2 Unreliable Narrator by James Phelan
2.2.1 Phelan’s Definition of Unreliable Narrator
2.2.2 Application of Phelan’s Theory
Chapter 3 Forms and Functions of Unreliable Narrator in Genre of Fiction
3.1 Forms of Unreliable Narrator
3.1.1 Unreliable Narrator in First-person Viewpoint
3.1.2 Unreliable Narrator of Three Axes of Unreliability
3.1.3 Unreliable Narrator as Tridimensional Character
3.2 Functions of Unreliable Narrator
3.2.1 Picturing Round Characters
3.2.2 Conveying Far-reaching Themes
3.2.3 Creating Aesthetic Effects
Chapter 4 Unreliable Narrators in The Sound and the Fury
4.1 Idiot Benjy
4.1.1 Benjy’s Unreliability
4.1.2 Function of Benjy
4.2 Neurotic Quentin
4.2.1 Quentin’s Unreliability
4.2.2 Function of Quentin
4.3 Monstrous Jason
4.3.1 Jason’s Unreliability
4.3.2 Function of Jason
Chapter 5 Conclusion
【文章页数】:66 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Unreliable Narrator as a Narrative Technique
2.1 Unreliable Narrator by Wayne C. Booth
2.1.1 Booth’s Definition of Unreliable Narrator
2.1.2 Application of Booth’s Theory
2.2 Unreliable Narrator by James Phelan
2.2.1 Phelan’s Definition of Unreliable Narrator
2.2.2 Application of Phelan’s Theory
Chapter 3 Forms and Functions of Unreliable Narrator in Genre of Fiction
3.1 Forms of Unreliable Narrator
3.1.1 Unreliable Narrator in First-person Viewpoint
3.1.2 Unreliable Narrator of Three Axes of Unreliability
3.1.3 Unreliable Narrator as Tridimensional Character
3.2 Functions of Unreliable Narrator
3.2.1 Picturing Round Characters
3.2.2 Conveying Far-reaching Themes
3.2.3 Creating Aesthetic Effects
Chapter 4 Unreliable Narrators in The Sound and the Fury
4.1 Idiot Benjy
4.1.1 Benjy’s Unreliability
4.1.2 Function of Benjy
4.2 Neurotic Quentin
4.2.1 Quentin’s Unreliability
4.2.2 Function of Quentin
4.3 Monstrous Jason
4.3.1 Jason’s Unreliability
4.3.2 Function of Jason
Chapter 5 Conclusion