发布时间:2025-01-04 00:23
兰斯顿·休斯是二十世纪美国黑人文学史上最具影响力的人物之一。在几乎所有的文学体裁中,他的才华都得到展示,但是他对黑人文学的主要贡献在于他将爵士和布鲁斯的音乐元素新颖地融入传统诗歌中。许多论文的主题大多分析其诗歌的音乐元素,或是他作品中反映的美国社会底层的黑人生活。然而,在其他人文学科(尤其是现在日益热门的民族、种族学科)和后殖民主义文学理论的影响下,越来越多的研究者对其作品中的黑人身份产生浓厚兴趣。我认为,在他近四十年的创作生涯中,兰斯顿·休斯一直都在努力,试图在美国文学史中构建起一个合理正当的美国黑人身份。 这篇论文从四个方面展开:种族,历史,政治和文化。在种族方面,兰斯顿·休斯没有取得太大突破,但是在历史层面他的确确立了黑人的身份,并且在政治层面进一步提升了他们的地位。最后,作为一位世界主义者,休斯基于一个共同的美国梦想,一个为全人类所渴望的共同心愿,歌颂了各色人种的融合。因此,他作品中的黑人身份更像是一个不断向上流动的过程。在这一过程中,美国黑人努力获得其公民权利,地位逐渐得到提升。在过去三百多年间,他们这种浸透着鲜血和生命的不懈奋斗是值得的,令人敬佩的。 ...
【文章页数】:48 页
Chapter 1: The Racial Perspective
1.1 Beauty oftheBlack Pearl
1.2 Evil of the Snow-white
1.3 Blend of Milk and Chocolate
1.4 Stigma of the Black Shadow
1.5 Summary
Chapter 2: The Historical Perspective
2.1 Tradition: a long river from afar
2.2 Slavery: an inerasable brand
2.3 Emancipation: a rainbow in the air
2.4 Contemporary: an everlasting pain
2.5 Racism: the Root of All Evils
2.6 Prospects: Ups and Downs
2.7 Summary
Chapter 3: The Political Perspective
3.1 A Survey of Black Resistance before the 1930's
3.2 The 1930's: Volcanic Socialist Revolution
3.3 The 1940's: A War both at Home and Abroad
3.4 Challenge to White God
3.5 Violence or Peace?
3.6 The 1950's and The 1960's: From Civil Rights to Black Power
3.7 Summary
Chapter 4: The Cultural Perspective
4.1 A Dream Long Deterred
4.2 A Piece of Paper Written in Black and White
4.3 Cultural Pluralism
4.4 Summary
【文章页数】:48 页
Chapter 1: The Racial Perspective
1.1 Beauty oftheBlack Pearl
1.2 Evil of the Snow-white
1.3 Blend of Milk and Chocolate
1.4 Stigma of the Black Shadow
1.5 Summary
Chapter 2: The Historical Perspective
2.1 Tradition: a long river from afar
2.2 Slavery: an inerasable brand
2.3 Emancipation: a rainbow in the air
2.4 Contemporary: an everlasting pain
2.5 Racism: the Root of All Evils
2.6 Prospects: Ups and Downs
2.7 Summary
Chapter 3: The Political Perspective
3.1 A Survey of Black Resistance before the 1930's
3.2 The 1930's: Volcanic Socialist Revolution
3.3 The 1940's: A War both at Home and Abroad
3.4 Challenge to White God
3.5 Violence or Peace?
3.6 The 1950's and The 1960's: From Civil Rights to Black Power
3.7 Summary
Chapter 4: The Cultural Perspective
4.1 A Dream Long Deterred
4.2 A Piece of Paper Written in Black and White
4.3 Cultural Pluralism
4.4 Summary