发布时间:2017-06-07 13:15
【摘要】:《红高粱》是诺贝尔奖获得者莫言的成名作,自1986年发表以来,深受中国文学界的青睐。小说英文版由美籍学者葛浩文翻译,在国外出版后,销售量也一直居高不下。目前文学界对于小说中文版的研究已经比较充分,但是葛浩文及其译本却没有得到应有的关注。胡庚申的生态翻译学是近几年才兴起的一门理论学科,将生态和翻译有效地融合在一起,从而揭示翻译的实质。生态翻译学以译者为中心,将翻译理解成为译者对于生态翻译环境的适应和选择,主张翻译就是一个译者不断选择和适应的过程。本文选择《红高粱》作为研究文本,以生态翻译学这一新理论为基础对其进行研究分析。 本文以生态翻译学为理论框架,对原著、原作者、译作、译者以及其所在的生态翻译环境进行介绍,然后从语言维、文化维和交际维三个维度将译者在翻译中对翻译生态环境的适应和选择进行分析。中西方在语言和文化方面有着明显的区别,译者葛浩文以尊重和推崇中国文化为初衷来翻译这部小说,保留了绝大部分的语言风格,形象生动地重现了小说的内容,使翻译的整合适应选择度达到了最佳。 本文旨在通过运用三维的翻译方法对《红高粱》译本的分析,反映翻译生态环境对译者翻译过程中适应与选择的影响,从而证实以译者为中心的生态翻译学的可行性及适用性;同时提高翻译界对汉学家葛浩文作品的关注,促进学者对其译著的研究。
【关键词】:《红高粱》 生态翻译学 翻译生态环境 三维 适应与选择
- Acknowledgements6-7
- Abstract7-9
- 摘要9-10
- Contents10-13
- List of Figures13-14
- Chapter One Introduction14-17
- 1.1 Background of the study14-15
- 1.2 Significance of the study15
- 1.3 Structure of the thesis15-17
- Chapter Two Literature Review17-22
- 2.1 Previous studies on Eco-translatology17-20
- 2.1.1 Previous studies at home17-19
- 2.1.2 Previous studies abroad19-20
- 2.2 Previous studies on the English translation of Red Sorghum20-22
- Chapter Three Theoretical Framework22-36
- 3.1 Development of Eco-translatology23-27
- 3.2 Main concept of Eco-translatology27-34
- 3.2.1 Theoretical paradigm:translation as adaption and selection28-30
- 3.2.2 Theoretical foundation:translator-centeredness30-32
- 3.2.3 Decisive factor:translational eco-environment32-33
- 3.2.4 Translation method:three-dimensional transformation33-34
- 3.3 The feasibility of analyzing the English translation of Red Sorghum from the perspective of Eco-translatology34-36
- Chapter Four Translational Eco-environment of Howard Goldblatt's EnglishTranslation of Red Sorghum36-45
- 4.1 Mo Yan and his novel Red Sorghum36-39
- 4.1.1 Introduction to Mo Yan36-37
- 4.1.2 Introduction to the novel Red Sorghum37-39
- 4.2 Howard Goldblatt-the translator of Red Sorghum39-43
- 4.2.1 Introduction to Howard Goldblatt39-40
- 4.2.2 Howard Goldblatt's translation competence40-42
- 4.2.3 Howard Goldblatt's translation motivation42-43
- 4.3 Translational eco-environment of target language43-45
- Chapter Five Three-dimensional Analysis of Howard Goldblatt's EnglishTranslation of Red Sorghum45-67
- 5.1 Adaptation and selection from the linguistic dimension45-54
- 5.1.1 Language features of Red Sorghum45-46
- 5.1.2 Adaptation and selection at linguistic level46-54
- Reproduction of narrative point of view47-48
- Reproduction of colloquialism and diaIect48-50
- Reproduction of similes and personification50-52
- Handling of onomatopoeia52-54
- 5.2 Adaptation and selection from the cultural dimension54-62
- 5.2.1 Cultural-specific expressions55-58
- Cultural-loaded words55-57
- Politics-related words57-58
- 5.2.2 Old sayings and folk rhymes58-62
- Old sayings59-61
- Folk rhymes61-62
- 5.3 Adaptation and selection from the communicative dimension62-67
- 5.3.1 Translation of character names62-64
- 5.3.2 Reflection of Chinese ideology64-67
- Chapter Six Conclusion67-70
- 6.1 Major findings67-68
- 6.2 Limitations of the study68-69
- 6.3 Suggestions for future studies69-70
- References70-74
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
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5 胡庚申;;生态翻译学:产生的背景与发展的基础[J];外语研究;2010年04期
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7 胡庚申;;适应与选择:翻译过程新解[J];四川外语学院学报;2008年04期
8 王育平;吴志杰;;超越“自然选择”、促进“文化多元”——试与胡庚申教授商榷[J];外国语文;2009年04期
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10 胡庚申;;从术语看译论——翻译适应选择论概观[J];上海翻译;2008年02期