本文关键词: 昆曲 梆子戏 继承 发展 出处:《中国艺术研究院》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:在中国戏曲的发展史上,昆曲一直占有重要的地位,尤其是从明嘉靖年间到清乾隆、嘉庆的这三百多年来,昆曲盛极一时。清代中后期,昆曲逐渐开始衰落,梆子戏逐渐兴起。梆子戏起源于民间,内容通俗易懂,形式简单,生活气息浓郁,更贴近百姓生活,很快受到广大人民群众的欢迎。随着商品经济的发展,梆子戏从农村进入城市,为了更加完善自身的艺术形式,梆子戏从昆曲中吸收了很多内容为己所用,这使得其进一步趋于成熟与精致。本文通过比较研究的方法,分析类比了梆子戏中的昆曲成分,从剧本、舞台艺术、民俗、演出场所等方面说明了梆子戏对昆曲的吸收与发展。 本文共分为四章。 第一章绪论部分,对昆曲的衰落和梆子戏的兴起进行了阐述,并提出了论文研究的内容、方法、研究意义和研究现状。 第二章分析了梆子戏在剧目方面对昆曲的继承,类比了梆子戏与昆曲的同名剧目和同题材剧目,并通过剧本的对比呈现出梆子戏独具风格的移植。最后从剧本结构、语言风格、作者生活背景等方面,比较了昆曲《意中缘》与蒲剧《意中缘》的异同。 第三章通过行当、表演、服饰、装扮以及音乐等方面,论述了梆子戏在舞台艺术方面对昆曲的传承与发展。 第四章从演出习俗和演出场所入手,阐述了在酬神祭祀中昆曲霸主地位的衰落和梆子戏的逐渐兴起,以及由于梆子戏演出规模的改变对演出场所的影啧,从而论证了由昆曲到梆子戏习俗和演出场所的沿袭和变迁。 本文从历史的角度分析了梆子戏在不断成熟和完善程中对昆曲的吸收与发展,并且对存留于当下的戏曲艺术,如何走入大众文化的视野,被更多的观众所接受和喜爱,提供了借鉴。
[Abstract]:In the history of the development of Chinese opera, Kunqu Opera has been playing an important role, especially from the period of Jiajing of Ming Dynasty to Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. During the past 300 years of Jiaqing, Kunqu Opera became very popular. In the middle and late Qing Dynasty, Kunqu Opera gradually began to decline. Bangzi Opera is rising gradually. Bangzi Opera originated from the folk, its content is easy to understand, the form is simple, the life breath is rich, it is closer to the people's life, and it is quickly welcomed by the broad masses of people. With the development of the commodity economy, In order to perfect its artistic form, Bangzi Opera absorbs a lot of content from Kunqu Opera for its own use, which makes it more mature and refined. This paper analyzes and compares the composition of Kunqu Opera in Bangzi Opera, and explains the absorption and development of Kunqu Opera in Bangzi Opera from the aspects of script, stage art, folk custom, performing place and so on. This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter introduces the decline of Kunqu Opera and the rise of Bangzi Opera, and puts forward the research contents, methods, significance and research status. The second chapter analyzes the succession of Bangzi Opera to Kunqu Opera in terms of repertoire, compares the repertoire of the same name and the same subject matter between Bangzi Opera and Kunqu Opera, and presents a unique style transplant of Bangzi Opera through the comparison of the script. Finally, from the script structure, In terms of language style and the author's life background, this paper compares the similarities and differences between Kunqu Opera and Puju Opera. The third chapter discusses the inheritance and development of Kunqu Opera in the stage art of Bangzi Opera through the following aspects: trade, performance, dress, dress and music. The 4th chapter starts with the performance custom and the performance place, expounds the decline of the dominant position of Kunqu Opera and the gradual rise of the Bangzi opera in the worship of the god, and the shadow tut of the performance place due to the change of the performance scale of the Bangzi opera. From Kunqu Opera to Bangzi opera customs and venues followed and changed. From the historical point of view, this paper analyzes how Bangzi Opera absorbs and develops Kunqu Opera in the process of continuous maturity and perfection, and how to enter the visual field of popular culture and be accepted and loved by more and more audiences for the art of opera that exists in the present. It provides reference for reference.
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